Radiotherapy planning session

Hi, can anyone tell me what this involves. I had BC 4 years ago but as I had a mastectomy didn’t have radiotherapy so haven’t got a clue. I haven’t got a Breast Care Nurse this time so I can’t ask her. Feel more isolated this time and the surgeon doesn’t know why I have a seroma!!! Think he’s fogging me off. Good job I can ask questions here. ?.

Hi Nipper ,it lasts about 30 mins .They do a CT scan to help with positioning you in exactly the right place to cover your breast tissue and nothing else with radiation .They are also checking on the postion of your heart if you have left sided BC in case it may be in the area of treatment ,if so they will

discuss breathing techniques that help keep it away from the area of treatment .They then do lots of measurements and move you around a lot ( I will be honest and say it left me feeling a bit vulnerable ) - they also do some little dot tattoos that help them line up the beams exactly each time you go - if you feel strongly about this you can push for long lasting marker I think, the dots are between your breasts and on the side under your arm- mine look like freckles - well one does - can’t find the other one 4 years on !Good luck . Jill x