Hi Ladies - I am now 5 weeks into my radiotherapy - last week next week - yay. My skin up until now has been great and I haven’t been affected by the rads at all - just the journey. But today my skin was fairly sore when showering and had broken underneath the breast but spoke to the breast care nurse who gave me some gel and pads to put on over the weekend to try and heal the skin - it is slightly painful but bearable and I expected it would be like this anyway so not worried. Just staying positive and being sensible as I assumed I would have a sore booby and it is not as bad as I initially thought.
I have to go for two radiotherapy planning sessions. Has anyone else had to do that? Also does the CT scan involve drinking something. Last time I had one when they found it had spread to six lymph nodes I did. That really worries me. Will they find it has spread elsewhere? Also I have to have 12 sessions. Originally I was told 15 in June. Does anyone know why this maybe as well.
Hi everyone here,
well at long last rads planning day has arrived, never though I would get there after 28 weeks of chemo. They were so swet and kind, also had free drinks and music playing. I did feel rather young in the waiting room, and I am not! I had a Ct scan and x rays but stayed on the same table throughout and machines moved in and out around me. There were no needles or drinking contrast like I had in my previous CT scan. I had a routine one not that long ago and they would not use that even though it was on line. They said they just take a ring around the chest and also the breast shape changes after surgery and over time so must be recent It is such a doddle compared to chemo so far and quite interesting, but could not be nosey as had to maintain my position. Don’t like a bit of my lungs being zapped though.
I have 15 but no boosters. The onc said the effects will start like tiredness about a week later as on 15. There was a bit of a flap about my port but that comes out on Monday, scary stuff. I was not given any cream in advance but she said having very dark hair and never burning should avoid trouble with burns - I hope so. A lady I know who had v big breasts and 6 weeks of rads at Harley street said get some very soft silk to put against sore bits, apparently very soothing and works really well.
My rads finish on New Years Eve at 9 am!! All mine are really early so no lie ins for ages.
hope you are all faring ok
Lily x
I have only 2 more rads to go - yay!!! One today and one tomorrow. My times also were quite early in the morning at Harley St but the staff were very kind and managed to change them to a more reasonable time i.e. lunchtime - which gave me time to get ready for the journey each day. I must admit it has been hard emotionally and I think the travelling everyday for treatment has taken it out of me so I can’t wait until my last rad on Monday. I don’t know if I could do it again at this particular time, but then again I did say that whilst having chemo - but you soon move on and god forbid, if I had to do that again I would. My breast was fine for the 5 weeks but this last week it has been quite painful and very red, the skin has broken underneath but I have been given a gel and pads to put under my breast. The other day I put some baby talc under and this seemed to help and when I mentioned this to my oncologist he recommended it anyway and it soothed the pain more than the creams and gels. Hang in there ladies - it’s a long haul but so worth it and great when you almost come to the end. Dawn xx
thanks for that cheery post Dawn and lots of luck for your final one on Monday and then that is you cooked for Christmas!"!! I start on Tuesday.
Lily x
I am behind all of you as having my rads planning on Thursday 11th. Not sure yet when rads will start so I suppose I will find all this out on Thursday. I was hoping to have a little rest following chemo, and Mx on 12 Nov and hope maybe it can start after Christmas.
I didn’t know a CT scan was normal procedure for radiotherapy. As Lily knows I live in France so it will be interesting to see what happens here. My journey will be an hour and a half.
Good luck Lily for Tuesday, and anyone else about to be fried! (can I have some vinegar on mine please - LOL)
I get my post-op results on Tuesday, so presumably, if all is clear, they will tell me when i have to start my radiotherapy??Is this what usually happens?
Hi Narnia
Yes that was the case for me, as my results depended on whether I needef further chemo or not, or just radiotherapy. Thankfully my results were good so I am just having rads.
thanks to all your cheery posts I am just not even thinking of rads being more than an annoying journey for 3 weeks. I hope it works out that way. I start on Tuesday and have to go Christmas Eve, the day after boxing day and New Years Eve during my 3 weeks!!! All my family are moaning about not drinking as we have an early start each day!! The good bit will be to start 2009 with it done.
Lots of luck everyone
Lily x
number one done and dusted. In and out the department in 10 minutes, brilliant. I just wish it was not such a drive in the rush hour. Oh well 14 to go!
Lily x