Radiotherapy Planning today

Hi everyone. I went for my radiotherapy planning today and it was ok. I didn’t know what to expect and had read a lot about ‘tattoos’ etc and wondered what it was all about. The radiography nurse called me in, took my pic (yuk), confirrmed all my details and explained what would happen. I asked if there were any side effects, she said a bit of tiredness and maybe some redness/soreness on the breast where I am having the radiotherapy. I asked what tattoos were and she said she would put 3 little dots on me and they would be permanent so they can get to pinpoint treatment each time and saves having pen covered in plasters and not being able to get wet in the shower etc. One was put in the middle of my chest and 2 on my breast. The tattoo in the middle of the chest was like a pin prick and the 2 on my breast didn’t hurt at all. They positioned my arms behind my head, the dr drew a diagram of where he wanted the radiation to hit, they then copied that onto an acetate as backup and I went through the CT to have a scan and all was done. It took about half an hour but mainly because it was setting me up with the machine and where they would zap etc. I was given a large tub of aqueous cream and start treatment on 28 October (next week). Was told not to wear a bra with underwiring, could even take the wire out on one side, to wear loose clothes, and just be sensible, drink lots. The staff were friendly and I found it an ok experience bearing in mind what we are all going through. So don’t worry girls - it’s fine.,

thanks for that as I am heading that way soon and changes are always concerning.
Appreciated your calming post and good luck to you
Lily x

Hi Lily and Dawn

I thought you both may find the BCC fact sheet on radiotherapy helpful to read. It can be found by following this link:-

I hope this is useful.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator

Hi Lily - you are welcome. Will keep you posted. I start on 28 October and will let you know what it all entails.

Hi Dawn and Lily.
I have now had 3 sessions and 12 more to go. Like you the staff have been lovely throughout. Even free cups of tea in the waiting room.
I feel a little tired today but i have had a busy week and was out till mignight last night.
For me the travelling (40minutes there and 40 mis back) it the longest part of my day.
The sooner its over the quicker i can get back to normal.
All the best to you

Hello all

just wondering where you ladies are having your radiotherapy done. have my planning appointment on tuesday at addenbrookes. hope to start the sessions asap and hopefully get it all done and out of the way by christmas. not looking forward to the travelling - 100 mile round trip each day.

Hi All - first day today of radiotherapy. Am having treatment at Harley St and also get free tea and coffee. Was quite nervous. The radiologist again went through all that would happen, asked if I had any questions and said If I thought of anything at anytime just to ask. They took me into the room and I undressed the top half and they positioned me on the bed under the machine. They marked me out as even though I have the 3 tiny tattoos they also drew crosses on me so they could pinpoint it exactly. There was lovely relaxing music playing and although I was nervous and wondered if I would feel anything, I didn’t and it was all over quite quickly. The staff were very friendly and will see them tomorrow as 5 weeks everyday and then 4 booster sessions. I asked what the boosters were for and she said the radiotherapy is a deep intense treatment and the boosters at the end of treatment target the scar area of my breast so the radiotherapy doesn’t go as deep as the rest. The only annoying thing is the journey - an hour and a half for max 30 min treatment. It isn’t as bad as I imagined but then again it is only my first day. As long as I drink lots of water and apply the aqueous cream, I should be ok. Will keep you updated.

why do they take your photograph???

thanks that sounds really reassuring. I am going to Colchester in Essex, which is about half an hour away but will eat petrol and no parking there as it is a town site. I think finding spaces in the shoppers car parks over Christmas will be a nightmare. My planning is late Nov as I have to have more surgery, as they put my port in the same side as the BC?? Great plan eh! I go on the surgery list as soon as chemo finishes and then have a short recovery time. They say they can radiate 14 days after surgery. It might sound really sad but I am so excited about being on rads as I will have finished 28 weeks of chemo, it seems like forever, only 20 days to go hoooray.
take care everyone and I would be very happy to hear how it goes and things to have ready.
Lily x

Hi Narnia - they take your photo to make doubly sure who you are - plus each time I go they ask my name and date of birth - not sure if all hospitals do that but they do there. Also travel an hour and a half there and an hour and a half back for 15 mins treatment. A bit of a trek and I have been tired all weekend - but one week down and 5 to go including the last 4 boosters. Am having some complementary therapy tomorrow though so looking forward to that, Aromatherapy this week, massage next then Reiki then one other. 4 complementary therapies with the radiotherapy plus additional ones with the Herceptin so always have reflexology then. It’s something to sort of look forward to. But so far radiotherapy has been ok.

Thank you for this info Dawn et al - I’m having my planning appt next Thurs to start 25 sessions on 17th Nov. I feel SO lucky to be so close to the RT centre - only a 15min bus ride for me. I’ve also arranged for all of my appt to be at 6.30pm to avoid all traffic and make parking easier, as although it IS only 15mins on the bus, it’s much cheaper and convenient to drive. Although not as ecologically friendly maybe…!

Hi Dawn
I start radiotherapy on the 12th Nov for 23 sessions, 20 and 3 boosters. Went for CT scan last week and due to a shoulder operation years ago, couldnt lift my arm enough, so back tomorrow to try a different machine. Have been worried about tattoos as heard they might hurt, so glad yours didnt! Have my cream ready and now want to get started so it can all be over with. I have to drive 30 mins each way to hospital, so that will be a pain, as most of my appointments are around 8.30 in the morning and the traffic means leaving at least an hour before.
Will be good that we can all compare notes over the next few months!
good luck all
deb x

Hello all!

Planning meeting for rads wasn’t good - for the first time i felt like a nameless patient. I waited 90 mins after my appt time, then had a chat then had to lay on the bed for measuring and feltpenning and ‘photos’ (thin they were xrays). That took about 45 mins, the whole time with arms above head and naked to the waist down. It was freezing and a variety of people came in or looked at me throught the glass. The only person with any sense of dcorum was my onc who covered my breasts with my gown when he came to see me. The tattoos didn’t hurt atall (tho it looks like I have a blackhead in the centre of my chest!) but my dignity did! Think I’ll write to them about it. it wasn’t nice at all. And to add insult to injury, my wig slipped back and noone told me. I looked like a window shop dummy with a badly placed wig. (have you noticed, they have no eyelashes either…!)

But for those that haven’t done it yet - I just mean not ‘nice’ - and is any of this ‘nice’ ?? NOOOOOOO!!!

Td x

Hello everybody

Starting my radiotherapy on Monday at Addenbrookes - 100+mile round trip each day. I’m having 15 + 4 booster sessions. Hopefully will be finished on 4th December, providing everything goes to plan.

The CT scan was fine and the 3 nurses were lovely. My appointment was 9.00am and was back in the car on the way home by 9.30am. Just hope all the treatment appointments are on time as well. The nurse told me that the appointments are 15 minutes each but only about 2 minutes of that is treatment.

Just want to get it started and finished as I feel as if I’ve been in limbo since 17th September when I had my op.

Once AGAIN everyone’s treatment and experience is SO different. My rads planning was absolutely fine. No waiting, CT scan took 5 minutes, 2 tattoos which are tiny and didn’t hurt at all. As with bettyboo above I was back in the car within half an hour. I had no real problems with the rads. I used aloe vera gel and then emu oil and my skin has returned to normal. It’s just awful that there is no standard of treatment and how things are done. If you can have the planning with a CT scan it takes a fraction of the time that using xrays does, and everyone should be able to have that.

Any skin care tips?? My department has given me NO advice on this - starting next Monday…

Td x

Hi waitingangel!

If you see my post above your last one you’ll see I was told to use Aloe Vera (99% pure) gel (Holland & Barrett). When things started to get worse I used Australian emu oil which is brilliant - and bought on eBay. Emu oil is used by rads and burns patients in Australia and my onc was amazed how quickly my skin healed and how soft my breast remained throughout the treatment.

hi all.
all ready to start radio tomorrow. aqueus cream on the ready and like you, TD, little spots in chest and side. tattoos didnt hurt, but was cold and aching after taking so long with taking the exrays. hopefully, tomorrow should be over quick, with not too long a wait to go in.
Td, so so sorry, but couldnt help but laugh at your experience!! if you want, you can thump me when you come down!!! take a leaf from my book and go bald! embarrasement cant get any worse!
Redders, I live in kent too. sent you a message on the Where are you from’ thread. Where are you?
good luck all
deb x

Hi all,

Just about to start rads on Thursday, all tattooed and ready.

Smiled at Narnia’s Q about why we’re photographed. When I was,holding a board with my hospital number, there was a bit of banter with the nurse about being a “suspect”. She then said i looked like I knew what I was doing and asked (lightly!) if I’d ever been arrested.

But of course. A demonstration against the Corrie Bill in the 1970’s…arrested but not charged. Apparently I’m the first to say ‘yes’ to that question…it cracked me up anyway. Brought back memories of happy days, and it was the last thing I’d expected to think about in the rads clinic. Cheered me up while being lined up.

As for tattooing, I already have a very tasteful one…oh never mind. I couldn’t persuade her that a Japanese kanji was better than a little dot. So I have the little dots and the aqueous cream, and we’re all set.

Thanks for all the tips.

Good luck to all.

L. x

hi all
first rads session went well today. lots of discomfort in shoulder but they are hoping to try something new tomorrow. seems like a lifetime laying there when you just want it over so quickly!
left hospital and went to shops to do some christmas shopping! 1 down and now 22 left to go!
till next time
deb x