Radiotherapy questions

Anybody recommend shower gels deodorant body lotion that I can use during radiotherapy treatment please I have an oncology appointment on 29th June don’t quite know what to expect with the first consultation Xxx

Hi there, I found Simple unperfumed shower gel fine and Aveeno as a moisturizer for the affected area, it’s not cheap but was very effective and helped me heal well. Best of luck!

Faithy x

Hi MaggieG - you may find that your radiotherapy team are “strict” about what creams etc you should use, it seems every hospital is different. I agree with Faithy, I used the same as she did, and I also read about “R1 and R2” creams on this forum. I managed to get my GP to prescribe them for me, even though my oncologist had never come across them.

I can’t quite remember, but I think you will be told not to use deodorant before your radio sessions - but do check as I’m not sure. 

You might want to join the June 2020 radiotherapy group on here (I haven’t checked, but there is usually one each month) to compare notes with those going through it at the moment.

All the best. Evie xx

Hi Maggie G

Yep as someone else said deffo no deodrant, avoid anything (moisturiser, shower gels…the lot!) with scent/perfumes in it as they may irritate your skin.

I used R1/R2 but as I have nothing to compare don’t really know how effective they were!

Since stopping the above, as my redness/soreness carried on for 4 weeks post end of rads, I used laverna moisturiser but would just suggest anything that is free of chemicals and as natural as you can get, along with some aloe Vera, really useful for calling down the nuked area (keep it in the fridge - its lovely & cooling).  I am still moisturising multiple times a day.

If your rads team are anything like mine they were suitably vague about what I should use.

Good luck, especially hope the blummin’ heat dies down for next week!


Hope it all goes well. Just finished the 5-session regimen today. Have Aloe vera gel recommended during treatment by one nurse and avoiding anything oil-based until it is finished. A friend also recommended Biafine (got from Amazon)… that is trolamine-based so trying that now as well.