Radiotherapy side effects.

Interested to hear from anyone who experienced sore ribs and upper spine soreness following rad treatment.
Its been 2 weeks since I finished rads and just seem to be getting worn with discomfort. Taking painkillers etc.
Skin fine. Think I just expected to breeze through this as I have been very,very lucky in that my cancer was down graded and not spread,so no chemo.

I finished my 15 sessions of radiotherapy last Friday and have been experiencing soreness around my scar and as i move my arm again (similar pain to which i felt after i had a lumpectomy in July). I havent felt pain like you descibe, but am assuming that the work radiotherapy does inside of you, will give discomfort for a month after (according to my oncologist).
I am also feeling tired…are you?
Hope you pain improves soon.
Take Care

My radiotherapy finished over a week ago, but didnt feel any side affects during treatment at all. On the last day the rad told me to watch underneath my breast as it was beginning to look sore. It is now really sore, red and a bit blistery should i go to the doc or will it just get better by itself

Hi biddygirl

my skin started to feel sore and blistering about a week after my rads finished, i went to see doc, was given some burn cream… cant remember name but it was fantastic…so id say go see your doc!!!

hope this helps

Tracey x

Skin started to burn a couple of weeks after treatment finished, also some itchy spots. This settled. Bigger problem was swelling and tightening of the scar, which was/is painful, and put my arm movement back quite a bit. Have had to have quite a bit of help and advice from the hospital, so I would say if somethings not right, get the hospital to check it out. K x

2nd week after rads finished, developed sore peeling nipple, but skin not broken as such, so continuing with aqueous cream. Op site fine, no change. skin darkened underneath boob. I don’t think I feel particularly tired, not compared to chemo anyway.

I’m now 2 1/2 weeks from finishing rads. Initially the sorest period was after 3 or 4 treatments, tender and with shooting pains inside, then it calmed down. It was getting a bit warm and pink by the third week (15 rads) and carried on heating up for a few days after finishing treatment, when it became quite tight and stiff. I really pushed myself with the exercises and it suddenly went much softer and more natural feeling overnight. Since then I’ve carried on exercising hard and frequently and that has kept the tightness at bay. The skin has got a bit darker over the couple of weeks since finishing rads, like a light sun tan (I’m fair skinned). No blistering, but a little bit of peeling on the nipple. I suspect my nipple was quite sore at some stages but since it was relocated during surgery it was numb and therefore not communicating with my brain - thank goodness. I’ve been slapping copious quantities of aqueous cream on throughout. Also been walking 2 or 3 miles most days to help the recovery process, not feeling any particular tiredness, but then I’m not back at work yet.

Hi moth i finished 20 rads 3 weeks ago and i have also had sore achey pain under my ribs and in my back shoulderblades ( on treatment side)i also have a dry cough since finishing treatment which they also said could happen if the rays had slightly caused some inflammation to deeper tissues just keep trying to do excercise and pain killers and mention it to oncologist again when i see her Dec 1st.I also had a sore itchy nipple and was given hydrocortisone cream for and slightly peeled under my boob soon settled with this cream and aqueous cream you can get flamazine if it realy burns and blisters but i thankfully didnt need that.Julie xx