Radiotherapy starters Dec 2019


I have had my planning meeting this week and my first treatment is on the 4th Dec and my last is the 24th Dec so I might be having a quiet Christmas ?

I’m a little worried as I am not good at drinking water but drink copious amounts of coffee ?

Wishing every one well who is going through their treatment now

Mandy xx


Ive just seen my oncologist who has said I will now start radiotherapy 2 weeks after planning which is on Monday. Apparently I’ll have 15 sessions over 4 weeks-feeling a little apprehensive.

At your planning meeting did you get lots of advice?

Hi everyone 


I’ve just popped in from the Feb 19 group, we keep in contact via Facebook messenger now, but I pop back onto this site occasionally. I completed my 20 sessions of radiotherapy last Saturday and it is truly nothing to worry about. The hardest part is the daily travelling so if you can, arrange for someone to drive you. As for drinking water it’s no different to being on chemo only this time it is to help your skin to maintain moisture. The breath holds aren’t too bad, many of mine were less than the maximum 20 second hold. To help your skin get some 99.9% aloe vera gel from Holland and Barratt and E45 cream and keep them in the fridge. I used the aloe vera after each zapping and E45 morning or evening depending on zapping time. I have got 2 red patches on and just above my collar bone and am putting cream on 4 times a day. Your boob might feel a little tight and/or swollen at times but it soon eases. If possible go braless for a while each day or wear one a little looser than normal. Hope these tips are helpful. You may find after rads fatigue may hit so be prepared for that. What most of us found was the sense of ok we’ve finished active treatment now what? Be prepared for a range of mixed emotions but remember it’s normal. Take care and all the best.

Susie B xx


Hi, I’ve had 13/15 sessions now. For those of you worried about tattoos, I asked at my planning sessions what the alternative was - they seemed quite relaxed about it and drew on me instead and then covered the markings with clear stickers. It’s been a bit of a pain keeping them dry but I’m happier with a few weeks of that versus permanent marks.


A tiny bit pink now, no soreness yet and occasional moments of wooziness but I’ve been able to work full time (desk job) so far, which I’d been worrying about. Good luck to everyone about to start.