My radiotherapy sessions are planned to start on 7th Nov with planning session on 30th Oct and final Chemo on 23rd Oct. Am having 15 +5 sessions so hoping to finish active treatment early Dec and feel more like the old me by xmas!!
I’ve only just signed up to the forum, I hope it’s ok to tag onto this thread. I start my radiotherapy this Monday (hopefully as long as my seroma doesn’t reappear). I noticed that the advice was avoid or not to wear a bra/ wear crop tops, but my surgeon wants me to wear sports bras day and night still due to the ongoing seroma issue (and boy do I hate the sports bras as the band cuts in!). I had asked lots of questions to prep but this issue had never come up so now worrying about it (although quite possibly just to distract myself). Any ideas?
I hope for those of you that have started it is going ok with no effects, and good luck to those like me about to start xx