Radiotherapy swelling or Lymphoedema


I finished rads 3 weeks ago and my skin held up really well. My problem is that during rads the breast and area slightly under my arm became swollen. The nurse at the time said that was to be expected and it would sort itself out. How do I know whether the swelling which is still there is normal or the beginning of Lymphoedema. It is not painful either to touch or to lie on at night, just slightly uncomfortable during the day when I am up and about, not helped by the numbness under my arm left from surgery, which seems to exagerate everything.

My rads were not done at my own hospital so I can’t easily go to the rads team to ask



Andie - hope it is not lymphoedema…

As you know i also had to have a bolus during treatment (i take it you also had it to the underarm area…) i’ve now got confirmed lymphoedema in my left arm - when i mentioned that to my onc she said “yes i thought you would probably get it…” which she certainly didn’t say before hand… but as you know really we didn’t have much choice in having everything thrown at us…
