I start rads in April, and I was just wondering if anyone else had thought of getting their little dot tattoo changed into something more attractive afterwards, or indeed if anyone had actually done it? I’d be interested to know.
Teresa xx
I start rads in April, and I was just wondering if anyone else had thought of getting their little dot tattoo changed into something more attractive afterwards, or indeed if anyone had actually done it? I’d be interested to know.
Teresa xx
I’d be more inclined to get them removed altogether!
They really are tiny and could easily be mistaken for a freckle or mole, and they’re also not always in a place that would be seen by anyone other than your nearest and dearest.
You need to bear in mind if you’ve nodes removed that you shouldn’t have a tattoo (other than the rads one) on that side.
I’m sure someone had theirs turned into a flower last year…
Jane xxx
I refused to have the tattoo’s and had pen marks covered with clear plasters ( the type they use on burn patients). I’ve had 9 rads so far and no sign of the pen marks or plasters coming off.
I had five tattoos one of which is very visible unless I wear a high neck top. I am considering a tattoo that will disguise my mx scar and the blue dots. I had thought of rambling roses.
I agree with Alto - they are so tiny that they are hardly noticeable and if you’ve had nodes removed it’s best to avoid having any clinically unnecessary ‘needlework’ on the affected side.
I was advised that I could have the rads tattoos removed if I really wanted but that it wouldn’t be funded by the NHS. The radiographer’s view was that permanent marks are extremely useful if it is ever necessary to re-visit the radiotherapy route e.g. in the event of a recurrence. I like plain-speaking and although it may seem insensitive to talk about the possibiility of recurrence to someone going through treatment for the first time, personally I was glad of honest advice from the professionals at the coalface.
My feeling also was that my consultant said before any future x-ray I should tell them I have had radiotherapy. Suppose I cant tell them, perhaps the tattoos will give them a clue! Mind you as said before, they are so tiny I doubt they would even be noticed!
I have just had my rads planning. The tattoos are very tiny, my OH couldn’t even see them. After everything else I’ve been through 3 tiny dots are the least of my worries. Just so glad b*****d bc is getting blasted to bits.
I have 2 lots of tatoos from 2 lots of rads and to be honest I cannot really see them.The rads team appreciated that they were able to access previous rads when I had the second dose.I am now possibly due a third lot of rads in a similar area so am quite happy that they will help at the next planning if it happens.