hi im due to start rads in dec just wondered if you cld tell me what se you are likely to get im told im only going to feal tired and get sore skin but that told me chemo was not that bad and it was hell had every se going and more thanks laura
Hi Laura
I am sure you will receive lots of advice and tips from other users, but whilst you are awaiting their responses, I thought you may like to take a look at our factsheet on the subject.
Here is the link, it can be either downloaded or ordered from the site.
Kind regards.
Hi Laura
I’ve not had chemo, but everyone says radiotherapy is nothing by comparison. I got reddish skin that itched slightly and peeled a bit. I was quite tired, but I am always tired looking after my 2 kids etc !!
I think the worst SEs I have read about are nausea to begin with, skin being very sore, weeping and breaking down (requiring prescription cream) and extreme tiredness.
Really, rads are a breeze. The worst thing is having to go there every day. It’s probably that which makes it tiring as well, especially if you have a long journey.
Don’t worry, you’ll be fine !
Good luck
Anna x
yep, it’s a breeze (no chemo for me either)- really ! - it’s tiring if you have to travel far but it’s certainly not that bad at all…you might get burns and sore skin but that passes. Lots of luck to you xx
Hi Laura
Drink lots of water, slap on the aqueous cream before you start rads, think of preparing your skin for sunburn pre holiday.
wear cotton next to your skin , i couldn’t wear a bra so bought little vests. Lots of the remedies when you get sore boobs when breast feeding help.
when you skin starts to feel sore Aloe Vera gel is great, keep it in the fridge, but it can be drying. My skin broke so i managed to get hold of a dressing called mepilex transfer, they are very thin foam sheets that are alightly sticky on one side, they were my saviour, if the rads dept won’t issue them they can be purchased from boots.
A mixture of the daily travel and treatment is tiring but just pace yourself.
xxxx rhian
Hi I was interested to read the advice about preparation for Radiotherapy. I will find out on Wednesday how many weeks I will have to have it for and when it will start. My breast care nurse thinks 5 weeks. I would be grateful for any other advice as I am getting a bit nervous about it now.
I have “cording” a tightness under my arm does anyone have any suggestions how to loosen this up?
hello Island Girl, Re cording it will go if you exercise the area, little and often. BC nurse showed me a way to press and massage while exercising,suddenly it was much better. Good luck
This should all be explained to you by the radiotherapy staff but it is also important that you don’t use any perfumed products on your skin whilst having radiotherapy. They suggest you wash with ‘Simple’ soap because it doesn’t have any perfume. The aqueous cream is also unscented and is often sold in hospital shops.
Drinking water also helps the feeling of fatigue. I used to feel most fatigue immediately after treatment and just flopped into a chair the minute I got home. After an hour or so I felt refreshed enough to carry on with my day.
One thing to consider is the time of your sessions. Initially the radiotherapy department will give you appointments to fit in with their schedule but eventually you should be able to ask for certain time slots to fit in with YOUR life-style, travel arrangements, etc. I opted for late afternoon so my husband could have his days free before ferrying me to hospital.
Overall I would say having radiotherapy was a bore rather than anything too horrible.
P.S. Remember to take a good book with you to read whilst you wait. The magazines on offer in the waiting rooms are so old that they feature the weddings of celebrities who have long since divorced!
If you can start slapping on the aqueous cream twice a day for a couple of weeks before hand( I got a huge tub for £1.99 in Asda and that did the job fine). Then when actually doing the rads was told slap on the cream a little and often so upped it to 4x day. If at all poss get your boob/skin out as much as possible but maybe not when shopping or when answering the door to the postman !
Can’t stresss enough about getting plenty of fluids down you,really makes a big difference and just don’t plan on doing to much as you may well be knackered ! Time for me flew past and try and do something nice for you at the end of treatment because you feel a bit lost once you don’t have the daily grind of being in a hospital every day. Good luck and happy cooking.
Sandra x
island girl
hi i also have cording 6 wks after op im under physio which your bc nurse can sort all you can do is the exercise and massage the area and wait for it to stretch how long have u had it mine was 5 wks now hoping physio can sort it so i can go back to normal
Hi Laura, I had my op on the 2nd November. I am doing exercises at home every day and bought myself a Wii fit plus and have adapted some of the exercises. I can “fly” on one exercise and that makes what is boring exercise fun.
I am feeling very low today which is unusual for me. Going to find out about my treatment tomorrow makes it all seem more real. I have just had to contact the ferry company to find out the most economical way to travel.
Vicky x
Thank you for the tips about the aqueous cream, I will start right away in case I am booked to start my sessions. I will make sure I don’t answer the door with my boobs out. My postman is young and dishy, I wouldn’t want to frighten him away. lol.
My BC Nurse said the specialist sometimes books people in before they see her. I have a 30 minute drive to the ferry 30 minute ferry crossing and then 20-30 minutes up to the hospital, so the travelling will be a pain. Will I be able to drive, I wonder??
island girl
i got a wii fit hope u dont fly away lol im going to see if i can drive tomorrow with arm etc im lucky hubbie a cabbie so he will take me for mine and hos only 10 15 min away have u had chemo i wasnt told to after my results then had to go back to see onc then the waiting time between 6 to 8 wks but diff nhs do diff things tc kp exercising lol laura
I will do! I’m not normally an exercise person but love dabling with computers so it is a great match. I have two grandchildren Joshua 6 in January and Libby 3 in January. I am looking after Libby this afternoon, I hope I don’t get so tired it stops me looking after them!
island girl
If your appointment is with the oncologist, where I live they then fill in the form to put you on the radiotherapy waiting list. When I start on 8th Dec, that will be 11 weeks since surgery, so don’t hold your breath!
Ann x
hi laura
im new to this computer stuff so hope i get this right… i am due to start rads soon, not sure exactly when only had surgery last week, but have been reading all the responses to your posting and have found them very useful.I find it hard to discuss the treatment with the husband as he is a bit of an ostrich(bury the head in the sand and then its not happening)so find reading the forums good for moral as everyone is so positive,when do you expect to start rads? i have my next appointment next week so hopefully will get a date for the kick of then.
hi i had mx 6 wks ago ive got to have 25 rads due to start 29 dec planning meeting 10 dec so hoping to know more then hope you get on ok and we casn compare notes on se and have a laugh on way tc laura
hi laura
yes it will be great to compare notes with someone who is going through the same thing at the same time.the waiting about is such a pain…just want to know whats going to be happening, feel like im in limbo at the min. hope your keeping well, are you working? im still off at the min and daytime telly is mind numbing…hopefully back next week!! hooray.
donna x
please remember to keep using aqueous cream and drinking plenty for at least two weeks after the radiotherapy has finished…that to me was the worst time…so look after yourself a bit more then…x
I’ve just had a phone call today that I have my CT scan next Friday then go in to The Beatson on 11 January. Anyone else being zapped at the Beatson then? I am going to be staying in the hotel rather than the hospital for the 5 weeks. Then I can think of it more of a wee holiday.