Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good day today.
I’m currently weighing up the pros and cons of Radiotherapy treatment for my Breast Cancer, to see what the benefit is, before I decide if I want to go ahead and have it or not - as I’m currently struggling to see how the percentage benefit can outweigh the long-term serious potential side-effects.
My Breast Cancer was in my left breast, so radiation damage to my heart is a possibility (along with all the other side-effect risks to: lung, bones/ribs, breast skin damage/tissue hardening/shrinkage, lymphoedema, secondary cancer recurrence, fatigue etc).
I’ve had a Mastectomy with immediate DIEP Flap Reconstruction, I’m currently half-way through my Chemotherapy and I’ve been told I’ll be on Hormone Tablets for 10yrs but I’m struggling with whether or not to go ahead with Radiotherapy treatment (which I’m due to have in late January 2023, after my chemo is finished).
(I also have a Brain AVM and I declined Stereotactic Radiosurgery back in 2019 because I felt the negatives of the radiation side-effects outweighed the benefits for my type of AVM, as it wasn’t guaranteed to eradicate my AVM but I could be left with long-term, permanent, life-altering side-effects from the radiation.)
I would be very grateful to hear about peoples’ experiences with having Radiotherapy treatment for their Breast Cancer.
What immediate side-effects did you have?
What late, long-term, permanent side-effects due to Radiotherapy treatment are you living with?
What other cancer treatments did you have (surgery, chemotherapy, hormone medications)?
Has anyone had a local cancer recurrence, even after having Radiotherapy treatment?
Was anyone told what their percentage benefit of having Radiotherapy treatment was?
Does anyone regret having had Radiotherapy treatment and what is the reason you regret having had it?
Has anyone else decline Radiotherapy treatment and how did your Medical Team react to you doing that?
Your help in giving me some perspective on this would be much appreciated, to help me make a more informed choice.
Thanking you in advance ??xx