Radiotherapy v Mastectomy

Hi everyone!


I am soooooo confused and upset and tearful!  I had a left mastectomy following extensive DCIS ten years ago.  No radiotherapy or chemo required, but a series of failed reconstructions (lat dorsi flap)  - 4 in total, with the last one still in situ and giving me grief every day despite extensive work at the gym and full mobility.  In March of this year, I was diagnosed with DCIS in my right side - albeit ‘small and caught early’ it was 3mm but grade 3.  I had a wide area excision and although being adamant that I wouldn’t tolerate any doubt or ‘messing around’  i.e. I felt very strongly that another mastectomy was the only way forward, I now find myself being offered radiotherapy and almost backtracking.  I’m so very, very confused and upset at the dialogue being used in the consultations with my surgeon and my oncologist.  Both have referred to it as being pre-cancerous, rather than early cancer, which is the term my breast care nurse uses.  I have sought counselling and am seeing a clinical physcologist  next week, so hopefully she will help clarify things in my own mind.  


Has anyone else had this dilemma?  I just don’t know where to turn to be true to myself?  Sounds daft, I know, but I’ve never felt so lost and so isolated.  I hate this!

Hi Bridget-Rose, 

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling upset and I know that these decisions can be difficult. I am sure some of our users will be long soon to show their support.

We have information on bothmastectomys and Radiotherapyon our pages. You may also want to try posting on our Surgeryboard to give users more of a chance to see your message and respond.

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000. They will be able to talk to you about radiotherapy and mastectomy and offer a friendly ear the opening hours are below.

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm,
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 
