Radiotherapy with electrodes

Just had my appointment for marking up and it seems I need the treatment with electrodes, which can’t be done on all machines. I had already been at the hospital so long I didn’t think to ask what this involved! Anyone else had this happen? Don’t know what to expect!

Hi Sarcath

You are welcome to give our helpliners a call, they are specialist breast care nurses and they will be able to offer you information and support. The number is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Scarath

This is an more intensive boost to the area where the lump was. You will measured and drawn on towards the end of your normal radiotherapy. Then they cover the mark ( mine was a blue rectangle) with clear film. They then make up a metal template the same size as the mark on your breast. When you go for the treatment, they have to wheel you around alot on the first session and move you up and down and you might feel a bit dizzy. Then the metal template comes down and sits almost on your breast and you are given rays to the area inside. It isn’t painful and doesn’t last any longer than normal treatment. In fact I found the whole process fascinating. I think it is done if your tumour was near the surface of your breast. Mine was high up about 2 inches above the nipple. They called my treatment “e” boost short for electron boost and I only found out when they kept saying to me that I was having 15 rads sessions and I had to keep saying “no, 20”. In the end, the oncologist said that I only needed 4 boosts as opposed to 5 but I think it was because it was Christmas and he felt sorry for me. That or they wanted to go home early!!!


Thanks Debbie for that information - I guessed it might be something like that, but I had assumed it was because I have a depressed sternum and have had a lobectomy previously - so many questions I should have asked! It’s a pain because they are having to change my appointments to the one machine that does this so am feeling a bit abandoned as I wait for news! I just want the whole thing over and try to get on with life!

Hi Sarcath

The first week of my rads was a nightmare and I ended up being referred to Mc Millan service for counselling. First day I arrived at 11.20am for 11.30 app to be told that my app was 1.30pm. I produced my letter and they then said it had been changed ( never did find out why I wasn’t told ). I was seen at 445pm and was put in a waiting room seperated from my mother, who went on my first day for some emotional suport, for over an hour. No one told her she could come in with me so I was in one room and she was in another. Next day, I waited 3 1/2 hours to be seen, next day was about 2 hours. All the machines were going down, the staff in the booking office for my car park ticket were on the sick so I couldn’t get a parking permit and had to pay full price. By the third day, my mother ( who still works ) couldn’t afford any more time off work and I was on my own each day. This was in the middle of December with horrific traffic and no free parking spots at the hospital. By the second week, after lying that I was still working, I managed to get 830am apps and was out usually by 9 am each day.

I was upset that I was always on my own as everyone else seemed to have friends and family with them although I am sure that that was not true, but I am also glad that I was on my own as I would have worried about other people having long waits rather than just me.

Anyway, hope the rest of your treatment goes well, Sarcath


Finally got my dates - start next Thursday. I must cofess to a mistake - it seems it’s electrons not electrodes - how your mind can play tricks when you’re in a state of nerves!
Feel much better about things now but still not looking forward to it, just to getting through it and being able ( hopefully )to being able to make some plans.
I’m sorry you find you have to go alone, Debbie - I am lucky there but feel perhaps I should go alone to spare my poor husband all that waiting. I do know someone who drove herself there alone all the way through but it is nicer if you have support. I do wish you well with your treatment.

Thank you Sarcath for your lovely kind comments. I will be thinking of you next Thursday. The hospital staff did say that the probs they were having with machines was unprecedented and they had never seen anything like that before. They were working till 9pm to see everyone. So, hopefully, you will just have the journey there and back to contend with. the funny thing is…when the treatment is over…you almost miss not going there every day.


All the best…it will soon be over
