Radiotherapy wobble

Your oestrogen is lower in the run up to having a period and during, I suspect tamoxifen makes it generally lower also, so its no surprise to feel like extra crap around that time. Its when you come out the other side that you realise how crap you felt.
This is my third month of taking it, I started it a week before I was due to ovulate as I knew oestrogen would be on the rise then and feeding any potential cells that could be left after surgery. But it stimulates ovulation which it may have done as started spotting a week early, never got beyond spotting but lasted 2 weeks, then nothing for six weeks until a very heavy one, plenty of cramping. A few days after, sudden lift in mood and energy, sleeping better too.
Its a learning curve trying to deal with and combat the effects of tamoxifen, but letrazole could be worse, wouldnt fancy joint and bone issues. Keeping active walking my dog daily and daily gym visits is good for my mental health - in between flopping on the sofa, I am still more tired after RT.

Yeah, this all makes sense. Damn the hormones! I too am trying to keep active, really helps with the mental side of things. Gym 5 days a week, literally dragged myself there yesterday. Still not entirely sure how hard I should push myself, but I’ll get there.
Thanks for your reply x

Mine were all over the place. Not sameish time as I was advised would happen. In one instance had one session at 5pm one day then 9am the next. I did query but the receptionists looked at me as if I was speaking total gibberish and said as close to tough as they could manage. The radiologists couldn’t do anything either.

I’ve just got my dates and times. Asked for mornings, all afternoon :joy: Just want to get started now!

Lol, I’m pushing it on timings for RT this week coming. I’ve got them to change my friday session to earlier than it was going to be and pushing for a late one next Monday as got a music festival to go to that I’ve had booked since last year - who knew? Determined to go, I’m due some fun. It’s about a 2.5 hour drive I think, but if I feel as I do now, should be ok.

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Hope you get to go to the festival, you deserve it!

Got my Monday RT changed to 17.10 so should give me plenty of time to get back. Weather looks warm and dry for the weekend, just as well I cant get there Friday as its predicted to rain then and my pop up tent is quite old and less than waterproof - can’t be bothered with bigger tent I have.

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Have a great weekend

Just hoping that I still feel ok by Friday, felt shocking yesterday by bedtime - indigestion, dizziness & nausea plus shattered. I think thats the joys of tamoxifen again. There’s something about Tuesdays as I was too tired for the gym last Tuesday too.