Radiotherapy wobble

Hello to you all. I’m Jax, I had a lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed, one was cancerous. I’m due to start radiotherapy in the next few weeks and I’m bricking it! The problem is that I feel ok at the moment and I don’t want to go back to feeling unwell. I’m also on tamoxifen, so far so good, just a real lack of energy. I’d love to hear your honest radiotherapy stories. I’m having 15 session, then 4 boosters. Hope you’re all keeping strong :muscle:t3:


Hi, welcome to the forum. I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy last June. You will no doubt have a ct scan so they can plan your radiotherapy. My sessions started on the wednesday and finished on Tuesday. I got the weekend off. I had to do deep breath holding as I was on the left side. I was dreading that, but practiced beforehand and managed no problem. I did get really tired over the weekend but managed plenty rest and felt better by the Monday. My sessions only took about 20 minutes or so, and that included the positioning ect. The actual treatment was probably only 5 minutes each session. I was given two different creams to use. Definitely use them as your skin may get sore if you dont. I got a bit of irriation and a little bit of blistering but all healed very quickly. The staff were all very reassuring and comforting. Hope all goes well for you x


Hi Jax4,

I had a really good experience with radiotherapy and for me it was by far the easiest part of my treatment plan. I was also very anxious about it but once I got the planning scan and first session over my 15 sessions went in really quickly, The hospital where I got my radiotherapy was so much more efficient than where I had my chemo- was usually in and out in 30/45 mins!

Remember to drink lots of water! I didn’t do this for the first few days and felt tired and sluggish but once I upped my water intake I felt a lot better.

I hope all goes well for you!!

Best wishes.


I agree with the other ladies, radiotherapy is the easiest of the active treatments to get through. The planning appointment will be the longest that you have. Make sure you are comfortable before they measure you up and do your tattoos (which are teeny tiny ink dots) as that is the position you’ll have to be in for your sessions. The sessions themselves are quick, the majority of the time is taken up with the radiologists lining you up - I was always told “we’re going to get you in position now, don’t try to help us” as they moved the mat you lie on. Once that’s done, they skedaddle for their safety but they can be in contact with you by microphone if necessary. You usually get an x-ray done at the beginning of each session and then the machine comes up and goes tetetetetetetet at you for a few seconds then moves round the other side and does it again and that’s that. The radiologists come back in, help you off the bed and off you pop. Personally I had no skin breakdown, just a beautifully tanned boob for a few months, which then faded. Drink loads of water, slather on the cream (I used Aveeno) AFTER the session and you’ll be fine.


Hi jax4,
I was apprehensive about my radiotherapy. It took up all of March this year as like you have been prescribed, I had 15 treatments to breast and lymph nodes above breast + 4 extra to the tumour site. I had had axillary node clearance in December 2023-it had been in 2 sentinel nodes- only to find that the clearance had removed all healthy nodes. I knew this was good really , given the aggressive nature and strong proliferative potential of my cancer, but it did make me feel more ambivalent about having the radiotherapy, particularly to the nodes at the base of my neck.
As it happened I found the experience not bad really. I did not feel unwell at all as with chemotherapy and it doesn’t do for your immune system in the same way. I didn’t begin to feel tired until the last week. The tiredness increased for 2 weeks after the radiotherapy ended though, then I picked up fairly steadily after that.
My skin held up quite well, I slathered on lots of E45 lotion and Zerobase cream several times a day, feeling like a oil slick. I did burn on the skin over my collarbone, it got dark and angry but did not blister or weep and settled down readily after the treatment, stopped. Like the tiredness though it initially intensified before improving,. Breast area just went a bit pink really.
Bras got uncomfortable but I wanted some feeling of support and bought 3 cheap cotton and Lycra vest tops in a very tight size. I’m 34c and these were size XXXS, lightweight but tight!
Overall it was not a bad experience, a lighter atmosphere than in the chemotherapy suite as people came and went for brief sessions of treatment that weren’t making them sick! I had 3 brief reviews during the treatment and they would have been able to provide soothing protective gel for my skin if it had blistered or wept. I’ve got white British skin btw- fair to lightish medium tone…
Finally, for skin and fatigue drink plenty water!
This is a bit long, but I hope it’s helpful. Having waivered over node clearance and a bit over the radiotherapy, I decided that I would trust that I wasn’t being offered treatments that weren’t completely in my interests to have and would accept them and do my best with them.
All the very best to you,


My radiotherapy was like others have said, very easy compared to chemo etc. I had started tamoxifen and herceptin too. I had 15 sessions then 5 boosts and although i did feel a bit weary towards the end, I was still back on my skis witjin 3 weeks. My skin was a tad red but nothing significant. I am sure you will be fine. Best wishes


I understand your feelings. I had 1 session and almost didn’t return for the remaining 4 !!!
Now 10 days after finishing my boob and axilla are really sore, like they were a few weeks post op.
Praying I don’t regret my decision, but with the PREDICT tool only increasing my outcome by 1.8% for the radiotherapy bit I do worry if it was the right decision :disappointed:


Do NOT worry. It’s a walk in the park. Can take up a fair bit of your time and you may be tired at the end but otherwise no problem at all.


Thank you all. You all sound pretty positive about it. I think I’ll also feel better when I get my treatment plan. Scan and tattoos on Wednesday. Thanks again and take care x

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I’ll get on the water!

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Extremely helpful, thank you. Good luck on your journey x

You take care now!
Re the moisturising, I was told to allow 3 hours before appointment time without putting any on, otherwise to do it several times a day!

Ok, water, moisturiser :joy: x

Hi @jax4

I have just got home from session 7 of 15. I was really anxious before and during my first session, but it really is nothing to worry about. I am in and out in 20 minutes, sometimes I have a little wait in the waiting room beforehand. My skin is holding up fine at the moment, I am using E45 cream 3 times a day. It’s only been the last couple of days that I have felt tired, but I have two days off now so going to get plenty of rest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I was diagnosed in December and had to have 3 surgeries, so I am looking forward to the end of my treatment :heartpulse:

Please feel free to ask any questions :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sending hugs xx

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Hi Tracy, I’m glad to hear you are doing well. What time of the day do you have your treatment?

I asked for mornings, but my appointments vary between 9am and 11.30am xx

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Hello Jax,

The only thing I didn’t like about radiotherapy was the impersonal aspect of it. It was a conveyer belt and the receptionists didn’t even bother to look up from their screens. #SoRude Oh, I had something to say in the feedback!

I was in and out the room once called. The appointments were often late - up to 15 mins or so. There was one time when my machine (you tend to get the same one - in my Trust anyway) and it had broken down so they were running quite late as people were having to be slotted into the other rooms. After 30 mins, a radiographer, who I had for many of my sessions, actually opened up a room that wasn’t being used that day, just for me, because she knew I was working, I’d been unfailingly polite (unlike some patients apparently) and I’d had a few waits that week. #Hero

My skin was fine. But then I was a topless sunbather for years so my skin was like a rhinos! I was extremely tired, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before or since. I was safe to drive to and from my appointments. I made sure I drank loads, which helped with the fatigue.

In reality, it was the easiest part of my treatment (mastectomy and chemo) but I just didn’t like how it was compared to the blanket of care I felt the surgical and chemo staff wrapped me in.

Good luck

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Great. I was wondering if you could choose morning or afternoons x

Hi @jax4

I’ve just done my first 4 of 19 fractions as having 4 boosters at the end like you.
Its been totally fine, in fact last 2 days I was on a happy high and my head suddenly cleared, had extra zip. Don’t think that was the radio though, more hadn’t realised just how foggy, light-headed and depressed tamoxifen had made me around the time of my period, when hormones are extra low. I think my body must be making some hormones, as suddenly I feel like me again, sleeping better too. I knew I felt bad, just hadn’t realised how awful until suddenly got clarity and happiness. Even started going to the gym daily to try and get my brain to function better - limited results, helped a bit. Lol, slacked off today as despite feeling happier and less knackered mentally, my body is telling me to rest, weidly backpain started just as I was feeling better mentally - another tamoxifen side effect maybe, I’ll take that over a malfunctioning brain any day? I’ve had many affects off it, indigestion was never a thing, now I belch throughout the day. Glad you are doing ok on it. I’d say I’m doing ok on it this week, but last 2 months since I started it have been crap with hindsight. I expect I’ll probably feel bad again next period ( whenever that appears as it was first proer one in 2 months).
Anyway, radio has been a breeze so far compared to tamoxifen. Annoying how they always run behind- avoid afternoon sessions if you can as the delays get bigger throughout the day - over an hour wait by midday. Waited 25 mins for a 9.15 appointment. I now know not to worry about turning up late as Ive never not had to wait ( 25 mins was the shortest). Lol, only takes me 20 mins to drive so I now know to ring and ask how long the wait is before I set off. Should hopefully be ok on Monday as they’ve booked me in for physio after (doubt I need it on my arm, thats fine perhaps they could sort my back out instead?).

So have you been taking tamoxifen for two months now? My period is due in the next couple of days and I feel pretty crap! So dizzy and lightheaded, it’ll be my first one since starting them. Makes sense though reading your reply. Hope the rest of the radiotherapy goes well for you x