
Hi is there anyone in the Dagenham Romford area going through Breast Cancer and the treatment.Had lump removed Oct 2008.
I was Diagnosed in November 2008 had both ops but now waiting for Radiotherapy. It seems to be taking forever to get all the treatment which I don’t understand.!!!
Is there anyone who wants to share their concerns with me and let me know how you are getting through all this.

Hi Pam,
I’m not too far away from where you are as I live on the Redbridge/Walthamforest border and my children went to school in Romford
I’m just about a year ahead of you, being diagnosed in November 2007, initially had a lumpectomy then a mastectomy.
I started rads 6 weeks after surgery although a friend diagnosed a few months after me had to wait longer.
Where are you having treatment?
best wishes
M x

Hi Pam,

I live in Seven Kings and am being treated at KGV - although I had my radiotherapy at Queens.

I was diagnosed in Aug 07 with Grade 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I had to have chemo first then had a mastectomy, followed by rads and am having Herceptin no. 14 tomorrow.

I’m pleased to say I am doing really well now, and besides the aches and pains of being 47 feel quite fit and healthy. It wasn’t all smooth going for me, as my first type of chemo (AC) stopped working after 2 doses, but the next type, Taxotere, blasted the tumour to kingdom come!

I am having a reconstruction next month and finish Herceptin in April, so that will be it for hospitals for a while.

I wish you well in your treatment, as you know you can come to this website whenever you need help and advice - the ladies here are wonderful.

Very best wishes,

Tracy xx

Hi I live in Dagenham. I was diagnosed in April 08. Have been through surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Not sure how to do a private chat but please read some of the comments I have put on tonight and see if you want to chat some more. I have got my head round some of it but not all!

hi i come from romford had my op at queens hosp 1st july and coping well ,but i start my chemo on 11th august very scard of the unknown and how my little girls going to cope

Don’t live in your area - but if you had lump removed in October 08, why are you still waiting for radiotherapy? I thought the optimum wait time was 6 to 8 weeks not MONTHS!

I live in Dagenham was diagnosed April 2008 had a lumpectomy been through Chemo and Radiation. I have been back to work since February 2009 finding it difficult some days, feeling the side effects from Tamoxifen, wieght gain depression sweats and stiffness in my legs. I am now thinking of getting a repair job done to my left breast, the surgeon who done my op left a very big indent scar. I went to see the PS a few weeks ago and he wants to do a bit of a repair job on my left breast but to make them look the same he wants to reduce my other breast, not sure I want to do that, I have decided to get a second opinion from another PS just to compare. This is the first time on the site hope to get someone to chat too.