Soon i am to start 1 session of chemo - is there anyone out there continuing working with this and thereafter radiotherapy - anyone doing flexible hours at work - what are the do’s and don’ts. Get plan tomorrow with care plan I am really scared - out of my comfort zone
Sorry can’t answer about chemo as fortunately not needed but started my rads on Tuesday 22nd May and so am just over half way 8 of 15 done. (Also on Tamoxifen which I started 17th May)
I work full time in an office and am still working, however had to come home yesterday but only as I had been taking the Tamoxifen at night but missed one ( forgot) and so took in the morning was ok the first day but the 2 nd day (yesterday) very nauseous and total washed out.
Today only did did a half day and next week on Thursday and Friday I will also do a half day as felt much more relaxed etc today not having to go back to work.
Work are are very good so taking advantage of that and also have had notice of redundancy so not as keen to make a good impressions as such.
I would be ok working full time but how I will feel next week remains to be seen, I do walk the dog twice a day and do pilates once a week to try and keep my exercise levels up.
I would definitely discuss with your Hr department (if you have one) and then see how you go and if able take the time off as and when you require it. A lot will depend on how you feel about your job, if you enjoy it, it might be good for you to go work but if you find it really stressful then you might need to question if you want this or maybe temporarily part time as such.
Once you get your plan tomorrow it should help you decide, hope all goes well x
Sorry can’t answer about chemo as fortunately not needed but started my rads on Tuesday 22nd May and so am just over half way 8 of 15 done. (Also on Tamoxifen which I started 17th May)
I work full time in an office and am still working, however had to come home yesterday but only as I had been taking the Tamoxifen at night but missed one ( forgot) and so took in the morning was ok the first day but the 2 nd day (yesterday) very nauseous and total washed out.
Today only did did a half day and next week on Thursday and Friday I will also do a half day as felt much more relaxed etc today not having to go back to work.
Work are are very good so taking advantage of that and also have had notice of redundancy so not as keen to make a good impressions as such.
I would be ok working full time but how I will feel next week remains to be seen, I do walk the dog twice a day and do pilates once a week to try and keep my exercise levels up.
I would definitely discuss with your Hr department (if you have one) and then see how you go and if able take the time off as and when you require it. A lot will depend on how you feel about your job, if you enjoy it, it might be good for you to go work but if you find it really stressful then you might need to question if you want this or maybe temporarily part time as such.
your plan should help you decide, hope all goes well x
Hi I have had 4 sessions of chemo so far and have managed to work throughout. Some days I do more than others, you have to listen to your body and don’t do too much. I am very lucky to have employers who are supporting me and allowing me to come and go as I feel able to. I have found after each session I feel slightly worse I have been tole that is probably a build up of the treatment. The main thing is to look after yourself and do not over do it. Good luck
Hi shepherd
It’s Emily here from Breast Cancer Care.
We have a few Breast Cancer Care volunteers who continued working during their treatment, and would be happy to talk you through their decision-making and what their experience was (over the phone).
If you think this would be helpful, feel free to send me a direct forum message with your name and number, and I can give you a call to find out a bit more about your situation, and put you in touch with someone.
Best wishes
Emily at Breast Cancer Care