
Hi there just about to start rads on Wed for 18 sessions understand cropped tops are a good alternative to a bra any recommended stockists?

Oh flippin heck…i start tomorrow…whats the prob with bra??? Help!

Hi Lif, I don’t know much about it yet (won’t start rads until late May), but I believe you shouldn’t wear underwired bras and your skin can get very sensitive so soft cotton crop tops or those camis with an internal support are the best thing to wear.

Jane xxx

It’s all to do with skin sensitivity. I had my rads 5 weeks after mx and anc so didn’t wear one at the time - wore vest tops instead even though I was very lopsided but my scar was brill and had healed really well. You may get away with a non-wired bra depending on the amount of surgery and then see how the skin tolerates it.


HI Ann

I start on 8th March. Was told by Radiologist and BCN not to wear bras,just a cotton vest. Was also told to lie on bed at home with no tops at all for about 10 mins to let skin breathe. Hope it helps!


Bloomin heck…have some non wired so will try them…had mammoplasty and scars almost un noticable now…cannot imagine no bra at all with all the running around I do…but sleep in the nud so it will get an airing!

Hi lostinfrance
The skin gets sore with radiotherapy. It’s like bad sunburn so bras rubbed. I wore the vests with hidden support,it was July when I was having treatment. They sell them all over, M&S and peacocks. I was told to let myself dry rather than rub that area.
I remember son coming home and asking how I was. I said "Fine, but if you see something small red and round on the floor don’t step on it, it might be my nipple.
I hope you are still running around, I didn’t have to work but drove myself to hospital every day. Some people get very tired.
Good luck


I also saw quite a good selection in Primark the other day - M&S do a quality one for post surgery (generally only the bigger stores or on-line) but I was thinking of stocking up with a few cheapies as well, that I don’t mind getting scanky with potion & lotion stains etc.

Hi lif - you might get away with it depending on how many rads you are having, and also breast size. The soreness tends to form where there are creases so those of us with bigger breasts tend to suffer most - I was fine until the end of week 5, and then it got very sore.



Finished rads a week ago after 4 weeks. Wore cheapo Primark cotton vest tops with built-in bra. Really comfy. Very itchy towards last couple of days but hospital gave me some cream and the redness seems to have subsided and now have one tanned and one white boob. Skin held up well. Put my aqueros cream on directly after treatment. Soon goes but you start countin the days until the end. Then whopeeee its done and dusted. Another step. xx

Thanks for the advice…I’m off to M&S in the morning!

Hi there
Thanks for all the advice on “to bra or not to bra”… really made me chuckle(lost in France)!
Will be hitting M&S too if no success will use “Primarni” and treat myself to a cappuccino and muffin ( skinny of course) with the change!


I’m due to start 3 weeks rads tomorrow (1/3/11). I was advised to wear the M & S crop tops, but i did buy 2 of their vests with the built in bra. (tested this on Friday & very comfy).

Also bought a pack of “bra expanders” to use with my non-wired jobbies in case they rub a bit.

Bathroom looks like boots with tub of aqueous at the ready with simple soap/shower gel poised ready for use. Wardrobe all over the place in my search for vest tops; found a few in case needed.

I hope to work through as far as possible, mainly due to fact I only work a couple of miles from the hospital, but we’ll see.

Good luck to everyone about to start, and well done to all of you who have finished.


I bought a post surgery bra from asda for £4 the sports bras are very gud aswell and they are cotton i took mine of as soon as i got home thickened the area with aqueos had no problems had 15 rads

HI, just a tip to add. I had rads on my mastectomy site in November. I have only really been back in bras for the last month. They were just too irritating. ‘Secret support’ vests are good. I found if I did have to wear a bra I’d wear a silk camisole underneath with the bra on top, it looks strange, not too sexy, but much softer on the skin.