Rads after lumpectomy

Dear All

As some of you may know I’m having pre lumpectomy FEC chemo x 6, 4th this Friday, and it’s flying by!

Just wondered, how soon after my FEC is over will I have my lumpectomy and how soon after the lumpectomy will I have my rads? Does anyone have a rough idea?

Cecelia. x


I am having the same plan of treatment as you but I am a couple of FECs ahead of you. I have number 6 on the 29th,.

I was told surgery about a month after end of chemo and rads a month to 6 weeks after that. Herceptin has to start within 3 months of finishing chemo so I could be having rads and Herceptin at the same time. (Don’t know if you are HER+ or not)

I am seeing my onc and my surgeon this Thursday so hope to have dates for my surgery and maybe rads then.

Sharon x

Thanks Sharon.

I am not HER2+, I believe I will go on Tamoxifen after or during radiotherapy, or even after chemo.

I’ll see if my oncologist can give me some solid ish dates on Friday.

Another question, did you see your surgeon regularly? I have really only seen mine at diagnosis.

Well done for nearing number 6 , you must be happy about that.

Cecelia. x

Hi Cecelia

Thursday will be the first time I have seen my surgeon since my dx at the beginning of May. He handed me over to the oncologist at that time and I see her every 3 weeks a few days before the next chemo. I believe that is fairly standard. I guess after chemo I am back in the hands of the surgeon before he passes me back to the onc for rads.

I can’t believe it’s number 6 next week. The time has flown. WHen I was first dx I really thought things were going to drag. I am so pleased they haven’t - although I would have preferred a better summer during which to endure everything!!

Sharon x

Hi Sharon

Thanks, that’s reassuring, I was missing my surgeon and wondered why I hadn’t seen him!

I see my onc after my blood test , the day of treatment every three weeks so I guess that’s par for the course.

Can’t wait to be on number 6!. How much has your lump shrunk?

Cecelia. x


Lump was 5cm on dx. Ultrasound after FEC3 put it at less than 1cm and my onc reckoned it was about 1/2 cm when she examined me almost 3 weeks ago just before number 5. I am hopeful after 6 it will be no longer there.

Sharon x