rads in april 2012

hi anyone starting rads this month would be nice to chat with others pass on helpful tips and stories as im due to start 4 weeks of rads tomorrow(3rd April)

Hi i’m a march lady but there is already an April thread!
Perhaps you could combine…best of luck.

Mary M

Hi queenie

Yes, please do join us on the April Rads thread. You will be so welcome. There are a few of us there either just started or waiting to start this month.

Look forward to seeing you there


Queenie, here’s the link to the existing april thread… come and join us!


Hi Im due surgery 11th april and then it has been suggested 3 eks rad I dont know whether ive got to have chemo yet I have two areas on left breast and was diagnosed 8th march. what a journey 4 weeks have been . How are you doing with your rads im so scared. J x