Although I still have 2 more chemos to go before rads, my onc told me that I will be having radiotherapy to my neck as well as my breast.
Has any one else had this and what explanation were you given?
Thanks Lynn x
Hi Lynn,
I finished chemo - 3xFEC and 3xTAX - 2 weeks ago and am having 3 wks radiotherapy starting in the next couple of weeks. I am also gonna have rads to right side of neck, same side as op. Onc said it was just an added insurance to zap the lymphnodes there. I had 2.6cm lump so had wle and anxillary node clearance, 10/18 nodes affected so I’m guessing this is why. Didn’t your onc explain, I hate it when they do - or don’t do that! Will let you know how it goes, and good luck with the rest of your chemo. hugs, Pat x
i had my rads in jan/feb this year - i also had rads to my chest, armpit area and neck… must admit my onc didn’t explain it wouldbe neck as well either…
Thanks Pat and Theresa,
I have my 2nd Tax next Monday final one all being well 11th May. Rads planning 12th May.
Pat, similar to you and thats probably explains it. WLE/snb then full node removal 5/29 affected. 3 x Fec 3 x Tax,
Will ask him on Monday to explain.
All the best to you both Lynn x
I think you have RT to the neck if there are more than a certain number of lymph nodes affected. I had 6/14 affected nodes so had to have RT to neck to include collarbone and rest of axilla to reduce risk of recurrance in these areas.