Rash on chest, side of masectomy.

ER+ breast cancer diag Oct 2020, masectomy and lymph node clearance Dec 2020, 7 lymph nodes positive. Chemo and Radio earlier this year. I am currently taking tamoxifen and Zolodex monthly.

I developed a red rash along the scar line of my masectomy approx 6 weeks ago. I phoned the breast nurse at my hospital who advised getting an antibiotic of the GP and she would arrange an appointment. My GP felt it was shingles and gave me acyclovir and an antibiotic. It got worse daily. I saw a surgeon at the hospital who felt was an allergy to the surgical glue and told me stop the acyclovir. I was then started on 2 antihistamines in addition to the antibiotics and fusibet topical cream. A review was made for a few weeks later with my usual surgeon. It had not improved during this time and had become more widespread if anything. He wasn’t sure what had caused it but reassured me it wasn’t anything sinister and said I could stop all the meds.

Here I am approx 6 weeks later rash still over the chest I had surgery on improvement. Mildly itchy but no pain. I am absolutely shattered though. I am increasingly getting an uneasy feeling about the whole thing. Feel like they will think I’m nuts if I make contact again.

Sarah , how frustrating :frowning_face: Sounds like you have been examined / advised by several people involved in your care who aren’t concerned it’s anything sinister . I understand your worry , we are all hyper vigilant once you’ve had breast cancer when it comes to anything different and if something doesn’t settle it is a niggling worry in the back of your mind until it resolves.

you could talk to the Breast Cancer Now  nurses on the phone line or in the Ask the nurses section of the forum for some advice for another opinion ? 
hope things settle down soon . Jill x