I finished my chemo on 26th September, 2 FEC & 4 T, I am having mastectomy this coming Friday, 7th. I still ache in my arms and legs just as though i’ve been to the gym for the 1st time in a year. Tingling & numbness in hands and feet still very apparent but feel good otherwise.

I was beginning to think I was overdoing things or something. I am relieved to see that other people have the aching legs (and other body parts). I finished FEC-T chemo just over four weeks ago and feel like I’ve been overdoing exercise despite hardly doing anything much yet. 

Hi everyone I had my last dose of fec-t Xmas eve 2013 and hate to be the bearer of bad news but the aches only seem to have gotten less in the last month or so. Not sure if it was the ‘T’ or the chemopause that caused it, can’t take her cause I’ve had cancer so tried everything cod liver oil capsules, glucosamine etc Etc don’t know if they helped but anything is worth a go. Try not to let it get you down too much xx

Hey there - i finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and I am having terrible pain in my legs mostly but all over too. I am glad to see that other people have them too! I feel like I am 90 years when I’m only 46. I am scheduled for surgery in a few weeks and I was hoping to feel better by now. Glad I am not alone.

Hi all

Just seen this haven’t been on here for a while but just wanted to Say those joint pains are all normal, I felt like an old women getting out of bed.I finished chemo Jan 2013 and its only now they have subsided in the feet and ankles.I thought I should have been back to normal long before this and found it hard to deal with but my consultant told me to be kind to myself and it was normal .after effects of chemo last a long time but I am now feeling something like my old self but still not totally normal.I use gels to rub around my feet and this helped.

Its accepting you put your body through it and it will get back to normal but accept it takes time and be kind to yourself

Hi Emma, I’m too due to have surgery in 2 weeks … Mastectomy and recon and finished chemo nearly 3 weeks ago and have terrible aches in legs and walking is even hard… Also feeling low and 90 years old !

Hiya, I finished 6 lots of FEC 4 weeks ago and thought like others I was over doing it as now feel heady, achy lower legs and generally no energy, plus hot flashes and then feel cold! Starting 20 days of radiotherapy on Wed and going back to work on 14th September, hope I will feel better soon… Any advice or reassurance welcome! Plus ’ chemo brain’ forgetful, making mistakes and unsteady on feet! Welcome to the world of chemotherapy! ? taste starting slowly to come back, wanting to drink milk all the time! 

Mine took about 8 weeks to subside. Hope yours eases as it’s not easy having the intense aches especially after chemo has finished … X

Hey ladies,

Looks like it’s been awhile since anyone posted about the aches and pains post chemo (taxol). I finished chemo in May 2014, and went back to work after proton radiation treatments ended Nov. 2014. So, I’ve been back behind the desk now for one year and it’s killing me!  Talk about leg pain, I can barely get up!  I’ve lost muscle strength and the aches down the backs of my legs are so painful.  I know I’ve got to get out from behind the desk 9-11 hours a day. Anyone else with this problem?  Talk about feeling 90!  Ugh!!!  Comments welcomed?

Hi all,Following my op I had 4 courses of e c followed by 4courses of docetaxel ,finished on 12th April,then 20 sessions of radiotherapy which finished on 31st may . I am still experiencing leg pain,I have a physical job which I have continued through out just a couple of days off here an there after treatments, when I’m moving around it’s not so bad but if I sit even for a couple of minutes then get up it’s quite painful,a struggle to get moving again,almost 50 but feeling much older. Was hoping this would have eased by now, it’s really getting me down,anyone else having these issues

Hello…I finished my 6 Chemo, 21 Radiations, and 54 Herceptin Infusions all of 2015 and half of 2016…my legs ache me every day and are very painful first thing in the morning and after sitting for a long time, and takes a lot of effort to get out of my car after driving …it takes me a few moments to even be able to take a step… and no way I can squat down without being in worse pain…along with all of this Suffer every day with debilitating Anxiety and frequent Panic Attacks …my life has not been the same quality as it was prior to any treatments… but I’m thankful I’m still here. I know exactly what you all are going through with painful legs…it’s a terrible …miserable thing to deal with every single day! I hope we all get relief from it soon… And yes exercising does help and stretching frequently …but it’s only temporary relief. ?..anyone put there know what else helps stiff achey legs …please share. ?

I finished chemo taxotere and cytoxen plus neuladta for my 4 sessions 4 weeks ago and now my legs are swollen and my thigh muscles ache like Crazy. Walking up stairs is difficult. I’m sorry to hear I’m not alone but wonder if anyone has taken my same drugs and will it end soon.

Yes!!! I was on the same treatment plan… after my 3rd round my legs felt like I did a million squats!! I finished my 4th round of Chemo on 12/28 and it’s now Feb and my legs are still sore. It’s not my bones, but more muscle pain. On top of that, my legs swelled up so bad. The pain is still there, although a bit kinder now… I take Lyrica for the pain, however I’m trying to wean myself off of meds. It’s at its worst in the morning when I wake up. I’ve tried to research and see what more I can do, but it looks like we just have to continue to work/stretch out the muscle, but it’s definitely not neuropathy.

So glad I found this Forum, I finished chemo on 6th September 2018, 3 FEC and 3 docetaxal. Have been experiencing achey hips, thighs, legs front and back and knees. Worse when trying to relax of an evening, pain wakes me up in the night. Struggle first thing in the morning but once up and about and on the go it eases. I try to not let it get me down, I use a hot water bottle which helps.  My nurse explained could feel like this for at least 6 months. The joys of chemo, radiotherapy starts 6th December 15 treatments takes me into Christmas week ?. Plan to start exercising in the New Year ??Xx

Wow. I’ve been looking around a lot and wondering if this was only happening to me or if I had been working out incorrectly for years and it’s just coincidence that all this pain started post chemo. I finished six treatments of taxol and carboplatin (I think. I’m trying somewhat successfully to forget) in mid July. Since about early September I’ve been having crazy Achilles’ tendon pain and some hip pain and neck pain and occasional shooting pains in my legs and sometimes my lower back. Going to acupuncture and physical therapy, both of which seem to help. But I had the same symptoms as many here - I would be in a car for a half hour or an hour and I can barely walk when I get up. Acupuncture and medical massage and physical therapy helped a lot. It’s not gone by a long shot but it’s way better than it was after doing about three months of combined therapies. Glad to know others have had the same experience at least so I don’t feel crazy…hopefully the advice helps you guys get some relief too.

Hi all, i aam the same!  Finished 3 x FEc and 3 x docetaxol on 24 Sept this year and have achey joints, feet, legs, hips and bottom muscles…  Feels like iike ive done loads of squats!  My shouldrs and elbows ache too sometimes.  Ive just recently finished radiotherapy too snd have been taking Tamoxifen foe the last 6 weeks too so difficult to pjnpoint exactly what is causing it.  My onc nurse says  its the chemo but lots of laides suffer from the Tamoxifen in the same way…  Just want to feel like me again!