I’m right now sh***ing on myself. As I posted in the RRE: LUNG METS?. After an initial chest infection with a running nose, cough and fever. I had a course of antibiotics. The fever remitted but the cough is still there although drier. My GP sent me for an X_Ray that was normal but she is concerned I may have lung mets in the early stages and they won’t show on the X-Ray, so she has sent me for an CT scan at Royal Marsdem. I am so friking out, so scared, shuttered, I don’t know what the hell can I say.
The point is that this just brings up the memories of my bc dx in 2006, you know the usual probably is nothing to worry about but just to be in the safe side and … Bingo IDC grade 2!!!. Also de fact that two of the GPs I’ve seen lately asked me about my latest follow up, liking my symptoms to a possible recurrence … Shit, shit shit!!!
I’m so sorry, you must be terrified. I really really hope that it’s not what you fear. How long do you have to wait until your scan? As we all know, the waiting bit is a really terrible time
In addition to the support here please don’t forget you are welcome to call our helpline where you can speak to one of our team in confidence about your fears, the lines are open again in the morning at 9am (weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2) on 0808 800 6000.
hi happynipple… your going in to jump to conclusion melt down i think … yes you have a cough… and yes you have took the antibiotics and you still have a cough… that does NOT mean you have anything else… its the time of year for coughs… colds flu and allsorts of horrible bugs … remember your xray was clear … thats a great thing… i can understand your s@@@ting yourself… i also understand how , every ache pain cough or strain brings back horrible memories and that same old dread you had before, but … dont let yourself go in to panic mode… where you cant think … cant eat cant sleep and convince yourself you have something horrid …
big breaths… in …out … in …out … hopefully all will be well on wednesday … thinking of you … angie… remember … big breaths … in … out … xx
When I had a similar worry re a long standing cough my oncologist asked the following:
Have you been coughing at the same level for at least six weeks?
Is the cough markedly worse at night?
If the answer to both those questions was yes[it wasnt for me]then he would order further tests.If the answer to one of them was yes he would monitor for 3 more weeks then scan.If the answer to both was no then he would do nothing.He pointed out that rads can weaken the lungs making it harder to get rid of a cough.Apparently a ‘cancer cough’ is very persistent and the act of coughing gives little relief.
I was also dx with IDC grade 2 in 2006.
Good Luck
Hi I had a lumpectomy and node clearance last Jan/Feb in my left breast. Had rad and am on tamoxifen. Went for mammo on Mon and have been called back as there are lumps in my right breast now which they want to test. Has this happened to anyone else? Does this mean the cancer has spread and the tamoxifen isn’t working?
Anyone been in this situation? Thanks Deb.
Happynipple - I understand completely how you feel and I felt the same earlier this year I was dx with primary IDC and secondary mets multiple to both lungs. I knew I had lung mets and then developed a cough BUT THE COUGH WAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LUNG METS it was a virus and everyone around this area seems to of had this nasty virus cough thing the cough is persistant and wont stop but that does not mean its mets to the lungs, my cough has now gone unfortunately the mets are still there all be it they are now tiny and stable, I have no problems breathing at all and carry on just like I was before all of this cancer crap
Please try to calm down the more you think about it the more symptoms seem to develop I was convinced that the cough was to do with my lung mets and it turned out it wasn’t. Waiting for the CT scan results is probably the worst part of this and I can really sympathize with you on that but I’m sure its like angiem says coughs,colds,flu etc all around at this time of year. Also are you on any medication cancer related I found out recently that Herceptin can give you a cough and flu like symptoms that are subtle SE. If you want to pm me please do I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about lung mets.
Hope this helps
Sending you a big cyber hug
love and light
sarahlousie xxx
p.s. just realised that this is an old thread, what was the outcome happynipple??
I’m sorry that I need to vent something on here, I am at my wits end with the pain that I’m in, I have posted on here before but am feeling so low like never before.
I was diagnosed with g3e+ bc in 2007 nodes all clear, had a lumpectomy, chemo trial then radio followed by tamotxifen, All ok for 12months then found recurrence in same breast, no option but to have a mastectomy, no more chemo or radio but on arimadex,once again felt out of breath, gp said I was asthmatic!!! Anyway, a week later they drained 1.7lts of fluid of my left lung, a week later a further 3ltrs, had a in dwelling catheter in and a picc line in for docitaxol chemo, all has worked, no tumors in the lungs it’s all in the pleura. But the pain in my neck/shoulder blades are pain that I cannot describe, I’m on solphadol, diazepam, diclophenac, nut fen, oramorph and tramadol, nothing is working I’m awake half the night with sweats, and pain, I really am at my wits end, please can anyone help, please
Sorry to hear u are suffering so much jill In my opinion, if the pain is so bad I would ake myself to a+e and they are bound to run tests + scans if you tell them the severity + the extent of pain relief needed. Say it’s just got worse still + u couldn’t take anymore.
Good luck xx
It sounds like you’re having a really tough time at the moment. Can I suggest you give the helpline a call and talk things through with one of the trained members of staff. They will be able to offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The lines are open today until 2pm and then Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm.
I had a tumour in right in 2006 and at my annual Mammo 3 years later they picked up a tumour on the other side. If you get Tumours in opposite breasts they are normally a new primary cancer and not progression of disease. My cancers were completely different. You can read my bio in my profile… There’s quite a few threads under recurrence and new primaries. It is a bit naff if that is the case but it could turn out to be nothing. And it’s not as advanced as secondaries.
Jill have you had a pain team referral? Hope you get it under control.
I have been to the prospect hospice to see if they can manage my pain for me, they have sent me off for a chest xray and one for my neck, today has been a total right off ( what a birthday) but my husband and 5 yr old came in with a lovely cake though, if anything it was so special.