Had a lumpectomy for breast cancer and 7 lymph nodes out on 28/7/13 got all clear but have to take tamoxifen and have radiotherapy not sure how long to take off work as feel a bit low in mood
Hi Solitaire
Whilst you await replies here, you are very welcome to call our helpliners to talk through your queries about work and gain some support, they are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 during the week and 10-2 Saturdays so please feel free to call
Take care
Lucy BCC
I think it’s very much up to the individual. I only took off the two weeks I had the radiotherapy (I was on the fast trial, 3x the dose in one week). But then my company only pay one week sick pay, so I had no choice but to get back as soon as I could.
I managed, but I think a week or two extra, just to have some ‘me’ time would have done me the world of good.