Reaching Landmarks

Hi.  I have not been on here for ages but do read comments on a regular basis.  I think its good to let people know how we’re doing and I check the last time people have commented and get upset when its been along time ago and I have not seen any comments from them.  I was dignosed 2 and half years ago  and now on Lextrole.  My big landmark is my sons’s 21st.  I really didn’t think I’d seem him reach this age.  Another big change for me this Christmas is having a Christmas tree - my husband became a Jehovah’s witness after we first got married and I have always respected his wishes and never really done Christmas.  Well hell not now.  After much discussion/arguing I am having one.  I’m so exicted to decorate a tree with my daughter for the 1st time.   I wish I’d been a stronger person before I cancer - I was always a walk over.  I’m really looking forward to the things I have planned next year and for the future.  XX

Hi Gigli. So nice to hear from you and pleased that you are looking forward to Christmas…and the New Year.  


I was diagnosed just before Christmas in 2012 with both secondaries and primary.   My son and his partner came over to cook Christmas lunch at our house, something I had always done…we had our usual family gathering on Boxing Day which was also our 44th wedding anniversary.  We put up the tree and I tried to be as normal as possible for the grandchildren.   I remember taking down the tree and putting away the decorations and wondering if I would ever see them again, they’ll be coming out again for the third time since then, and we will celebrate our 47th anniversary 


i also danced at my youngest son’s wedding this summer and we welcomed a new grandson this year as well.


next year I am hoping to go to Disney with our grandchildren…insurance company permitting,Enjoy life with  your daughter, and for yourself…look forward to the future and make plans one step at a time…always have something to aim for and  look forward to, no matter how small…but remember sometimes we have ‘down’ days and that’s okay as well…spoil yourself when you do







Thanks for your comment.  Good to hear this is now your 3rd Christmas.  Christmas 2012 must have really rough for you.  I was dx primary and sec in the summer 2013 - 2 days before my 46th birthday.  I remember going out for a meal with my children on that birthday and putting on a brave face for their sakes.  Its amazing how we get through things for our loved ones.  Many congratulations on your 47th Wedding Annivesary.  Take Care XX