I stopped taking oramorph for my bone mets just after my first Pamidronate infusion which was four weeks ago - the Pamidronate seemed to be working so well that within a few days the pain had reduced so much as to be unbelievable!!
However, in the last four or five days the pain has come back with a real vengeance in my hip and I started on the Oramoroph again yesterday - three 5 ml doses yesterday and then another two today, four hours apart. About an hour after the second dose, I had what I would describe as a cross between a panic attack and a blood sugar ‘thing’ - came over all shaky and faint, felt sick etc etc and now just feeling incredibly tired.
I put this down to being a reaction to the oramorph but am now wondering if it’s hypercalcaemia - would that come on that suddenly though? My bloods were apparently fine a fortnight ago.
Would appreciate hearing from anyone who might be able to shed some light on this.
Lesley I am not sure in your case - but I did react quite badly to oromorph at first - not just nausea but vomitting as well and all the other symptoms you describe - i went thru a variety of anti-nausea pills before it settled. I have no experience of hypercalcaemia so cant say.
Hi Lesley, I agree with Dawn, I had a few days of Oramorph when I was first diagnosed and in hospital, I felt really awful…sick and I kept nodding off mid conversation…not that I could remember it happening but was assured I did. I’ve been told many times by my onc that healing bones (from bisphosphonate treatments) can be very painful…(I know that doesn’t help you one little bit at the moment though.)
Thank you everyone - I phoned the bc nurse yesterday and she thought it probably was a reaction to the oramorph and suggested I only take it last thing at night which I did last night and feel a lot better this morning. I suppose morphine-based drugs just don’t suit everyone, will stick with my paracetamol, codeine phos and diclofenic for now and put up with a bit more pain.
Yes, the nodding off mid-conversation sounds just like what I was doing yesterday Belinda - my children were going mad with me as I was supposed to be helping with their homework!!