I’ve been suffering really bad headaches for the last few weeks. I have a low lying dull head most days but some days I am waking up with a pounding head. I have been taking Tamoxifen since September ( after chemo and rads). Could this be a side effect of this…anyone else suffering like this?
Viv x
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble. I get what I call a ‘fuzzy head’ on tamoxifen which is really irritating but nor painful. If you are getting painful headaches I would get them checked out at the docs.
Hiya viv,
I have a banging headache most days, I pop paracetamol like its going out of fashion, hoping when my body gets used to the tamoxifen they’ll stop, just think before all this bc rubbish, I hardly took any medication.
Take care x
Hi Viv
Could well be your shoulder pain that’s the culprit. I frequently have headaches and also have shoulder pain. It causes the muscles in the neck to tighten and those that run up to the back of your head. You might benefit from a good massage to loosen the muscles.
It could also be fluctuating hormones. I’m on tamoxifen too and I find I can go for several weeks with no headaches and then have them every day for a few weeks. I also pop a lot of paracetamol.
I would mention next time you see your doctors and keep a record of them in the meantime.
I hope you soon feel better, Elinda x
Thanks Elinda…didn’t think to connect the headaches with my shoulder!
I was back at my physios last Monday and I am due to see the Consultant on 16th May but have appt with breast surgeon on 12th May so I am going to talk to him as my arm has swollen a bit so maybe lymphodema has kicked in to add to the list!!
The headaches do feel like the ones I used to get when I was pre-menstrual (only worse) so that was why I assumed it was the Tamoxifen.
Viv xx
hi. ive been on tamoxifen now for 17 months and only just now starting with side effects. the headache is like a pmt headache not painfull, but i can tell its there. iam 41 and not had a period for 12 months. iam sure all this will have effects on the body and hormones x