really scared

really scared

really scared Hi i was diagnosed with bc last jan, had lumpectomy followed by 15 sessions of rads, i was told the tumour was very small and no spread, been on tamoxifen for last twelve months now.
Went for my routine 12mth mammagram last monday found it very painful, my boob since has been in agony, anyway on wed i picked up the post and a letter from the hospital asking me to go back for more test, i am just so scared it has come back, i need to go back on monday, I am so short tempered now, i have my daughters birthday party at home on sunday, and dont feel like doing anything only to cry, she will be 5.

Sorry for moaning

Dear Karen I am sorry to read that you are feeling so worried at the moment, you may find it helpful to contact our freephone confidential helpline for a chat. Our helpliners can offer you support, information and a ‘listening ear’ and the helpline is open in the morning from 9am-2pm. I hope this is helpful to you.

The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 and it is open Monday to Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi Karen

so sorry your in this state but have you ever considered that they have possibly done a boob with the xray and not done it correctly, there may be an area that isnt very clear and they want to do it again, just a thought, perhaps try and think this way and that way you will feel better about sunday, i also think what ever your thinking there is nothing better than a load of screaming kids to take your mind of things. My son has distracted me many a time and kids can feed of your emotions so try to enjoy the day with your daughter, at the end of the day, the hospital have done a good to get rid of the cancer last year and if worse comes to worse you can fight it again,
Be strong and good luck, let us all know.


Hi Karen

Just read your posting and felt so much for you. Try to put Monday to the back of your mind, (I know that it will be very hard) and enjoy your little one’s birthday. Sometimes they can call you back because technically the mammogram isn’t quite right. I will be thinking of you.

Much love
Debbie x

Being scared Hi Karen

Try not to worry too much. I know easier said than done. But sometimes scar tissue can give a poor image - I assume you are talking about the boob that you’ve had the cancer in? Or is it the other one? Also, if you are pre-menopause, boobs can thicken and change throughout the month and often not give a clear picture. I often had that problem and was often called back for a repeat, only to be told not to worry.

Enjoy your little ones birthday and very best of luck with Monday. Let us know how you get on.

Good luck Karen, my thoughts are with you. Debbies right, it may just be a technical hitch - I know someone who was called in for another mammo because the first wasn’t clear enough.Everything was ok -apart from her nerves!.. Try to have a nice week end!!!Love &Hugs.

call back… Hi Karen

I had a call back on my first mammo, following surgery and RT. I was called at 8:30 pm on a Friday eve and had to go see the breast radiologist first thing Monday am. My anxiety levels were in orbit by Monday am. It was an area of microcalcification which they removed under general anaesthetic -and then the terrible waiting for results. The suspect area was just a result of tissue changes following radiotherapy.They had to do magnified films to see the area better -so it could be that they just need to get more views to check an area more thoroughly. No point saying “don’t worry” because you will -but not long to wait now.
Good Luck

Thanks Just a quick thankyou for all your replies, We just had a great party with 15 5year olds and a bouncy castle, Just left with my 2 daughters and one each of there freinds, Heres hoping mondays going to be just as good, will let you all no how i get on.

Its a great site, and helped me loads last year through my diagnose and treatment, good luck to all you women,
