really sore runny eyes

Hi Sorry to be such a whinge but has anyone had really sore runny eyes i am neutrapenic 0.6( and should have had first Taxi yesterday) wondered if that was reason be grateful for any advice. Tried Optrex has not made any difference.
Love and best wishes to you all
Kate xx

Hi Kate,

I had runny eyes on and off all through chemo - particularly with Tax. It was like someone was constantly peeling onions beside me. I was never neutropenic.

Hi Kate.
Sorry you are not too good. I was neutropenic after my first, make sure you rest as much as possible to build yourself back up again. I have just finished chemo and at the start my eyes were really watery and sore. In the mornings they were awful, so I asked advice on here and was told to use vaseline especially at night, it certainly worked for me and I can honestly say that my eyes did not bother me after. I still use it going to bed as it prevents the gluey feeling in the morning. I also used drops which my onclogist prescribed called Viscose Tears which eased the symptoms. Hope this helps a little Kate and that it works for you. Good Luck with your treatment and hope you start to feel a little better soon.
Lots of Love and a Hug

Hi Kate

I had runny eyes all the way through chemo and they became especially sore towards the end and for about 6 weeks after finishing. Then, over the course of a weekend, the running dried up and disappeared. It happened so quickly and I’ve been fine since. My onc said that chemo, particularly Tax, blocks the tear ducts and that’s why the eyes become very watery. He also said that he could give me something for it but he preferred to see if it would clear up on its own which, thankfully, it did. I have gone through boxes upon boxes of Kleenex Ultra Balm tissues because I found other tissues to be too harsh on the delicate skin surrounding the eyes in my attempts to “mop up”. At one stage if I bent my head over, tears would literally drop out of my eyes onto the floor! Sometimes it was quite embarrassing. I also used Nivea Creme and Vaseline to prevent the eye skin from becoming chapped. I was never neutropenic so I can’t comment regarding that. All in all, it was a long process (6/7 months) but it did get better in the end, as I’m sure yours will. Take care.


Jibby X

I had trouble with my eyes throughout chemo, but at one stage I did actually have an eye infection and needed drops prescribed by the GP. As you are neutropenic you may well have an infection so it could be worth checking with your GP. Explain that you shouldn’t wait in a crowded, germ laden waiting room, if you do go for an appointment, as you would very easily pick up any infections that are around.
Good luck

Hi , am glad someone brought up the runny eyes issue . I was just thinking I needed more sleep ! As the day goes on I am fine but the morning my eyes look like the proverbial you know what !

oh roll on tax number 3

cally x

Hi Everyone
Thanks for all your help and comments, did get some vaseline yesterday and partner also got Alcon Tears Naturale which the chemist recommended never thought about the eyes drying out nut every morning have woken up with stuff around eyes, but not this morning !!! Tears stuff is brilliant in the eyes and the vaseline is so soothing around the edge of the eyes, hopes this helps.
Lots of love
Kate xxxx

Hi Kate,
So glad your eyes are feeling better, no need to struggle Kate with anything, the girls on here helped me no end with tips, when I was having chemo. Take Care

And I thought it was me! When I went shopping there were puddles all round the supermarket. I just could not stop the tears - as you have said it was like peeling onions all morning. I will try the vaseline. It is nice to know it is the chemo and not just another problem! Thank you so much for posting this! XX

Hi All,

I finished chemo last Feb, but the runny eyes are as bad as ever! Every time i go outside my eyes are streaming…very strange…


I have tried the vaseline for a few days now - plastered it all over my eyes before going to bed and not a runny eye since - it is wonderful - thank you so much - I have my life back! xx