really worried

Hello everyone I am new on here so please excuse if I dont do this right. I am a mother of 2 children my last child I had at 40 and then soon after started with menopausal symptons. I have not had a period for 2 years now, so I think I can say I have gone through the menopause.

I have had breast pain with no lumps for about 9 months but a few days ago I found a lump in the lower part of my left breast. The lump is painful to touch and I am now so scared and worried I cant think of anything else. I have made an appointment with my GP for Monday. Has anybody else got a painful lump?

Hi Chris49
I had pain that then became a lump, which unfortunaletly for me was bc but only grade 1 (Im’ 47). Everyone kept saying pain is good because usually that means it is NOT bc. Is there anyway you can get an earlier appointment with your gp, ring up and explain how worried you are and really let them know. I think having to wait until Monday will just give you so much stress that at least if you need a referral (you have to be seen within 2 weeks) if it is started this week it means you could get some answers by end of October at the latest,
Here’s hoping it’s good news and sending you big hugs,

Hi Chris and welcome to the BCC forums

I am posting a link to the BCC ‘Your breast, your health’ publication which you may find helpful to read, please also feel free to call our helpline where you can share your fears with someone in confidence. the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000.*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/40/

Take care

Thank you for your quick response. Ali can I ask how long you had the pain before you noticed the lump, I am trying now to make an earlier appointment. God this is so scary.

I think the pain first started in Feb but as it occured at the middle of my cycle when I tended to get a bit puffed up with fluid retention and was off and on I was convinced (or burying my head in the sand) that it was something to do with hormones, but this was what everyone else thought as well. The lump was obvious from May (it was 3cm) and at this point the pain increased but my gp and all the bc team until the final mammogram and ultrasound kept saying pain was a good thing. I was referred on a urgent 2 week wait referral so push for this with your gp. I know my symptoms combined with my diagnosis was unusual so here’s hoping you’re in the usual group but the sooner you get referred the sooner you will know. This period of waiting is the worst, I cried and worried so much but this site and the support I have received from gp surgery and hospital has been wonderful.
Just remember you are not alone.

Hi Ali

Thank you for your reply. I got to see my GP last night, and she gave me a thorough examination and said that there was nothing there that shouldnt be, I pointed out the lump/lumps as they do see a bit lumpy in other areas, she told me to come back in 2 weeks, I have made this appointment but she is away so made one with another GP which may not be a bad thing as its like a second opinion. I did feel a bit better although today I am wondering if she is right. Do you think I can push for a Mammogram even if they think I dont need one?

What stage are you at now, and what treatment did you receive Ali and are you all clear. (I hope so).

Thank you for your support and getting me to the docs early it has calmed me down a bit but you know what the mind is like???

Chris xx

Hi Chris
If you’re not confident that the GP is right after your next appt then you will keep worrying about it, so insist that you want to be referred to the breast clinic. My GP told me that she didn’t think there was anything to worry about and that I had generally lumpy breasts, but referred me anyway, and it turned out to be a 3cm grade 2 BC. So often our instincts are more reliable!

Hi Chris
I was dx with grade1, stage 2 bc with ?lymph nodes affected beginning of July. I had a choice of mx or WLE and lymph biopsy or clearence and decided to go with WLE because this had no impact on my treatment but went for clearence as I didn’t want to have to ahve a 2nd op for clearence. Turns out I made the right choice as my lymph nodes were affected. Despite my lump being in the inner upper of my breast any scars are underneath so i can still were v neck tops and feel i look normal. I am halfway through 6 lots of FEC, (number 4 next week) and when I saw the onc. cons. this week he ia already referring me for rads (have to have 15) which are expected to start week before xmas. In fact we are already talking about my return to work in January so for me I am beginning to feel the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a bit brighter and nearer. I do have to take tamoxifen but had already started to have menopausal symptons so am used to hot flushes, night sweats anyway.
Just don’t let yourself be fobbed off when you go back in 2 weeks. If you want a referral to a bc unit then push for one, even if that means refusing to leave. Referrals are now done via computer by your gp and with mine I was then passed to the secretary who gave me a choice of appointments times, so hopefully you should leave dr’s surgery with appoinment booked.
Take care and spoil yourself over the weekend, you deserve it after the worry and stress,