reason for getting cancer.

Did anyone else see the report of research findings which shows that those children born to women with a wide pelvic girdle [hips] are shown to be more likely to get cancer? My mother’s comment was not repeatable.

Sorry just put a comment relating to this on the Curious - does size matter post. Yes I saw it and can’t believe it - my Mum was and is very slim! Think she would be offended!!
Love Shorty xx

Supposed to be going to bed now but getting cross! Can we think of other reasons for getting BC - what about shoe size or hair colour (that’s me being a minority redhead!) ? Who pays, by the way, for all of these surveys? Just being a grumpy old woman and definately going to bed now!
Shorty xx

Hey Ladies,

it really gets me on all these surveys, i mean diet, alchol, food intake, etc etc etc.

I was one of three, youngest, last one to be born. 7lb 14oz im 31 now, succesfull with work, JUST bought first house with OH and bang BC!!! my middles sis been tested and fine, oldest one due to be tested and im sure she will be fine,yet me…

Personally and maybe im just angry but id guess if ya gonna bloody get it then your gonnna get it!!!

I hate BC!!!

Guess im just angry right now.


Hi everyone

No point beating ourselves up, or our mums. It happens! And guess what? We deal with it. Would ove the dosh from all those surveys. Especially those about who gave birth to you! Try changing that anyway.

Hi Lynne! We still here?

Lots of love


Goodness, what will they come out with next. My mum had to have forceps to deliver me and had awful problems delivering my brother. She is very small, I had to have a caesarean because my pelvis and hips were so tiny that there was no way I could give birth naturally and I got BC so that puts that theory out of the window.

I think the next thing might be if you get out of bed before 7.00 a.m. you are at risk. How about starting a thread on all the most stupidest things in the world that could cause BC, could be fun, like wearing socks with holes in or perhaps sticking your fingers in the cake mix before its cooked. Is this too early in the morning for being silly lol.

Love K

All I can say is WHAT NEXT???

Even before getting bc I used to read surveys about this and surveys about that and used to say what a loads of old BOLL*X. God it does make you angry doestn’t it??


Yeah, I think it’s caused by watching too many cookery programmes!


I like the redhead (used to have red hair pre chemo) and the cake mix theories the best!!

Anne X

hi all, im with normski on this one im blaming watching too many cookery progs especially that rick stein an i dont even like fish hehehehehehehe…caroleann

Do you know, I’m getting sick of this ! What an absolute load of rubbish - what the hell are they going to come out with next ? My Mum is very short and slim too !

Kelly, I loved your comments, and its never too early (or late for that matter) to be silly !

According to my Oncologist, “they” don’t know what causes Breast Cancer for sure - so until they do, why don’t they shut up with their ridiculous theories ???!!! Arrrgghhhh !

Ok, rant over.

Love to you all, as usual

Julie xxx

I think a more logical explaination other than big childbearing hips (which my mum has not got) is the fact that she smoked all through pregnancy and I was a passive smoker from conception until the day I left home

I’M no longer blaming myself and enjoying everything in moderation

I did everything that’s supposed to prevent you from getting BC - having children, breastfeeding, using olive oil, organic food, vegetarian etc etc but I still got it. And my mum didn’t have big hips either!

Its just a load of poo !

hope Diane didn’t switch the fan on !

I think the biggest risk is breathing… If you stop, you don’t get cancer!

ROFL good one Jenny, thank you :-))

There are loads of ideas and theories, one in a book sent to me from America, suggested it was to do with whether you breast fed your children. If you did not you were at higher risk it said, strange I breast fed both of mine for a fair few months!!!

Treakle x

O.K. it could be this and that, alchohol, smoking dairy etc BUT…what if all the time the real cause is…SEX!!!

Norma (gulp)

Have heard that Nuns never get cervical cancer but do get breast cancer so if it IS sex - I’ll leave it down to all your imaginations :slight_smile:
