reassurance required - Pain in Shoulder

Hi all,

i’ve had a niggly pain in my shoulder for a few weeks now. When to the hospital and had an xray. Its on my bad side and am putting it down to lying on that side but sitting in the office the pain just comes and goes and i dont understand what it could be. its almost like a vibrating pain. I had a bone scan in June and all was clear

Phoned the GP to see if results have come through and nothing as yet just heard from BCN as she said it shows no abnormailities and advised to take antiinflamatories.

I’m worring myself thinking the worst.

Has anyone had similar experiences and offer me words of wisdom.

I’m currently on tomoxifen and am so scared.

Please advise


Please don’t worry. I have had shoulder pain for years and it was found to be wear and tear in my neck. Poor posture with me.

I went to the doctors 3 years ago as I was in so much pain. Shoulder pain was main reason for visit but I also mentioned the lump in my breast. ( Think I was in denial ). Lump turned out to be cancer but I was reffered for physiotherapy for my neck which really helped. It has flared up a few times since, ususally when I have been on the computer too much.

I really think your pain is nothing at all but, especially as you work in an office, I would ask your doc to refer your for phsiotherapy.


I’ve had quite a bit of shoulder pain on my bc side.Just after chemo(fec+tax)it was so bad I had to go on anti-inflamatories but thankfully they sorted it out in no time.I still get the odd pain which can last on and off for days.I tend to put it down to my chemo as I never had any shoulder pain prior to it.
Josie x

Hi Sukes

I also had a pain in my shoulder/neck. I had it for quite a while, went to the doctor who gave me a collar to wear at night. This really helped. I think it was caused by the way I was sitting at my desk at work using the computer, particularly when using the mouse, which I think was putting pressure on my arm, right handed and right side mastectomy and reconstruction. Hope this helps.

Love and take care.
Thistle xx