Hi I hope someone can give me some reassurance - I was diagnosed with BC in May 2000 and had lumpectomy and total lymph node clearance - with no spread. I finished chemo and radiotherapy same year and have been perfectly healthy for past 8 years - went for a routine mammogram 2 weeks ago and have been recalled to the Breast Clinic - am absolutely petrified that it has come back…
So sorry to read how worried you are, it may not be anything bad but obviously the waiting is terrible. When is your appt at the Breast Clinic - hope you don’t have too long to wait.
Hi CharleysNanny
If you would like some extra support while you are going through this worrying time please don’t hesitate to give the BCC helpline a call. The staff on the helpline will be happy to offer you a ‘listening ear’ as well as support and information if required. The number to ring is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.
I hope you find this helpful.
Kind regards
Sam BCC Facilitator
Hi Just thought that I would update my post - went for follow up today and everything is fine - apparently what had shown up on mammogram was a slightly enlarged lymph node under my good arm - so all worrying for nothing.