Recall after second year mammogram

I had my second year mammogram recently and was shocked to receive a letter stating that a small area needed a closer look.  

I go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to see the mammogram doctor.  I will have a discussion about the mammogram,  then i will have another done,  a scan and probably a needle biopsy,  depends on what is found/seen.    Have to admit im worried sick as i have had swollen neck glands for at least 6 weeks…  just had a rather large glass of wine ?  

i do have a bad feeling about the outcome… please think of me at 3.00pm…tomorrow…:heart::heart:



Mini mad


Sending you lots of positive vibes for tomorrow and the tough pants we are all in thevdeep pockets so that we can all be there to hold your hands my dear.


Helena XXX

mini mad


Just checking how you got on today xx