recall for assessment

Hi all

I feel a bit of a fraud being here but I really feel I have no one to confide in.I went for a mammogram 2 weeks ago, my first call cos I am nearly 50 and have been called back to have further tests and examinations. I had a lump removed about 10yrs ago which was benign. I have spent most of today in tears which int like me at all, I feel worse than when I found a lump 10yrs ago. I don’t want to worry my husband too much cos he had a stroke last September so he can do without me stressing too much. Just needed to get it off my chest so to speak lol. Thanks xxx

Hi karo

Welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will receive lots of support from your fellow users, in addition here’s a link to the BCC publication ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may find helpful to read:

It also contains information about our helpline which re opens on Tuesday 1st June after the bank holiday.

Best wishes

Hi Karo
No need to feel a fraud! we are all here to give support and hope some don’t need it! so fingers crossed for you.
When do you go back?
We are all here for you, you probably feel worse because your husband has had a stroke, and feel as though you have no on to talk to, but talk away we are all listening, tears and all, we have shed plenty
Take Care
Keep in touch
Sandra xxx

Thank you so much Sandra, my appointment is for Friday, it is true that I don’t feel as if I have anyone to talk to because I don’t want anyone to worry. My mom died last year (last year was a bad un lol)and it is times like this I miss her so much, although I probably wouldn’t have told her either lol i’d have just had a hug

Again thanks for your reply xxx

Hi Karo,
Well we send you lots of hugs, so that will have to do you for now!!
Good luck to you for Friday, are you taking anyone with you? sometimes good to have company, just to take the stress away! But then again if you haven’t told anyone! anyone in the family or a good friend that you could just tell! without telling the world!
If you just need a chat before friday, a bit support, we are here
Take care
Love and hugs
Sandra xxx

Hello Karo,
I’m sorry to hear that you are so worried with no one to talk to, this website is great when you need a bit of support there are plenty of us here to give it to each other when we need it. Good luck
for your further tests on Friday and I hope that all goes well for you.

Best Wishes

Isabelle xxx

Thank you both again, My husband is coming with me but I int told anyone else except my boss cos of needing the time off from work at short notice. Thank you so much for your replies and I’ll let u know how I get on Karen xxx

Hi Karen,

I’m really glad that your husband is attending the recall appointment with you. He’ll be with you to help you deal with whatever the news is - good or bad. Whilst I totally understand your not sharing your fears with him due to his health situation, you might be surprised to find out how aware he is. When I got my recall I was rather blase about the whole thing and was just peeved that it was delaying my return to my GP with a clear mammo in order to start on HRT (oh how far away that seems now), but my friends were all suddenly very calm and re-assuring. When neither of my best friends called me a poof (their normal reaction when I do my drama queen bit), that’s when I started to worry.

But as Sandra & Isabelle have said, this is the place to come when you need to have a fret. Good luck for Friday
and please don’t feel you can’t come back and tell us if its good news. We LURVE a bit of good news on here!

Debs x

Well I had my appointment today, when I finally found the screening unit (we have a big new posh hospital but the signs for the screening unit are still posted to the old one, husband who has had a stroke and has trouble walking me in state of panic but hey ho we found where we had to go after what seemed like a five mile hike lol) I had another mammagram which was so much more than the initial one, an ultra sound and was told that there was calcium particles in my breast which may or may not be pre cancerous cells( which is good because they are pre cancerous but would need surgery). I had a biopsy which took for ages to pinpoint the area to target and have to wait for the results which was expected. I can not fault the staff at the hospital, they were all brilliant and were very thorough just wish I had my results now

Love Karen xxx

Hi Karen
Pleased you found your way into your hospital! after a long walk on what was a hot day!
A friend of mine had calcium particles, had an op, and needed no more treatment.
When do you go back for your results?
Good Luck
Sandra xxx

Hi Sandra

They will send me an appointment out within 2 weeks. Thanks for your reply, it makes me feel better to know your friend is okay.I feel pretty positive to be honest,thanks again for the reply I’ll let you know how I get on xx

Hi Karen,

Hope all goes well for you when you get your results.

The bcc nurses are wonderful ladies, can’t fault them at our local hospital.

The were really helpful when i was dx with bc at the end of March this year, hopefully you will get your results and all will be good.

If you need any further support and advice, you have come to the right place, if it wasn’t for the forum i would have been a nervous wreck. I have a great family support, but sometimes just being able to talk to someone in the same boat as you is such a relief.

My mum had bc twice 17 years apart and i only wish the internet had been invented the first time she had it, she could have done with the support that i now recieve from the lovely ladies here, who i don’t even know.

Take care, good luck.
Sandarex x x

I had a phone call today from the the hospital to say that I have to go for another needle biopsy because they didn’t get the tissue they needed the first time. They took about 5 samples but they were lost in transportation. I must say I am impressed with the speed and thoroughness of the ward.

I think this forum is fantastic and must have supported and given advice to a lot of people. I am so pleased that I logged on here and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

Karen x

Hi Karen
What an absolute pain, having to go back for more biopsies. When do you go back?
Hope it is quick and your results come quickly and with good news.Let us know how things go.
Sandra xxx

Hi Sandra, had to go back today and will get my results 25th June, going on holiday the week after and can’t wait.I’m feeling pretty positive at the moment. It is dots of calcium which have shown up and the radiologist said she had felt they weren’t much to be worried about but the pathologist wanted to make sure, so I have my fingers and everything else crossed lol, Thanks for your reply I’ll let you know how I get on xxx

Hi Karen
Pleased everything is looking good for you, hope the 25th soon comes and it is more good news! then you can have that well deserved holiday
Take Care
Sandra xxx