
Hi, I had my first mamagram last Monday. I received a recall letter for second stage screening on Saturday. I have just spoken to a breast care nurse who has said there is an area of density within my right breast. I’m going back next Monday for further testing. I must say I’m more than a little anxious.

Hi Tracy,
It’s not unusual to get a recall, especially if its your first mammo as there’s nothing to compare it with.
Inevitably, you will feel anxious, but something has been seen which needs a closer look, mostly it turns out not to be bc.
Even IF you get a bc diagnosis, then the mammo has done its job in catching it early, when it’s at its most treatable. Treatment is excellent now with loads of us through treatment & getting on with life.
If you want to, let us know how you get on.
ann x

Thank you Ann. I’m trying hard to be positive and trying not to worry. As others have experienced recalls on first mamagrams it puts my mind at rest a little. X

I think something like 3/4 of recalls turn out to be nothing to worry about.And it is certainly more common after your first one as Ann has said .Fingers crossed you are one of the majority who find it’s nothing to worry about .The wait is horrible though .

The wait is the worst thing!

You just want to get it done straight away don’t you?

I would give anything to go this minute but will try to keep my mind occupied in the mean time. Gardening is good therapy for me. I guess I’m a little more stressed than I would be usually as I lost my dad in January after a three week battle with acute myeloid leukemia…I could do with his words of comfort and wisdom now. X

I had to wait a week from the letter arriving to the appointment -very long week !!! I couldn’t believe I had to wait that long .At the appointment they gave me a biopsy and had to wait another week for the results torture .Its a times like this you need calm re-assuring people .I wanted my Mum but like your Dad she had passed away a few years earlier .My words of wisdom to you would be if you have no symptoms and this has been caught by routine mammogram IF it is breast cancer it is very likely to have been caught very early and therefore very treatable .

I am being positive. I’ve had no symptoms so that’s a bonus! I really think it will be nothing but you never know! Thanks for your reassurance. X

Let us know how you get on .

I certainly will.

Hi, just back home after my recall. After three more mamagrams that were unclear and an ultrasound I can say that all is good! No sign of anything nasty! I must say I am so relieved. Thank you ladies for your kind words last week. I wish all those on here good luck for the future. X

Brilliant !!! Thanks for letting us know !!