Recalled for a second year running

Hi all. I have just been recalled for the second year running after a yearly mammogram. Last year was fine just an issue with the photo. Does this mean that it is most likely to be bad news this year? 2 years running can’t be good can it? Am so terrified but trying to put on a face for my family as don’t want to worry them . Any words of reassurance would be helpful plz and if anyone else has been in the same boat. Thank you

So sorry you have this worry I can’t help much I’ve just had my first mammogram. I had a recall and was terrified but was told it was technical issue with photo. I was convinced it was sinister but it was just a technical issue and was all clear. Maybe ring to ask why when your unit is open. Wishing you well xx

Thanks for that. Mine was an issue with the way the photo was taken but I can’t believe I would be so lucky again! Feeling really worried.

Hi Jo,
Well, although you need this like a hole in the head, but it’s good last year’s was clear & if on the off chance it was anything suspicious, then it would have been caught as early as it could be.
However, most likely it won’t come to that & they are being thorough in double checking, which is good really.
ann x

Thanks ann. Reassuring words definitely help. I really appreciate it. I am so worried as have read stories of tumours growing so quickly but I check regularly and can feel nothing. X

Inevitably, the mind goes into overdrive Jo, but from what I’ve read anything fast growing is very rare, mostly bc’s are slow growing, ‘indolent’ things.
Anyway, it’s good you’ve not noticed anything as IF it was more extreme, you would have done.
ann x

Thanks again ann. Your knowledge is really helpful. I’ve found googling stuff completely scary and not helpful at all. But u put things into perspective. Do you know if there is any options for my husband to talk on anything here as he is obviously worried and seems very distracted? X

Thanks Helena. I am just keeping fingers crossed but knowing I can come in here at anytime for your help and advice x thanks again to everyone x

Just to add to Helena’s post, the main bcc site here, Macmillan or NHS Choices will have any info needed.
You’re absolutely right about google Jo, any search inevitably leads to bc when mostly it isn’t, it does not reassure & makes it all needlessly scary.
Let us know how you get on.
ann x

Sorry just another question. During the initial mammogram this year I mentioned last year’s recall because the photo wasn’t clear and the lady doing the scan said not to worry as I wouldn’t be recalled back for the same reason. She also seemed to look at the screen while we were talking. Does she know something already by looking at the images but just can’t tell me?

No Jo, Try not to read anything into it. If there was something there they would tell you & get it sorted out there & then.

Thanks ann. Just thought they couldn’t tell you anything because they weren’t allowed to. Xxx

Hi Jot


I tried replying to your other thread but it had been closed.  I go tomorrow Thursday 4th for further investigation at 11 in the morning, what time do you go?


I am terrified like you, cannot eat or sleep, hopefully tomorrow we can breathe a little easier.  I don’t think I will sleep tonight.


Good luck 



Hi Kate. I did reply to u yesterday but don’t know wat happened. My app is at 230. I will def be thinking of you tomoz especially with everything you have been through recently. Plz let me know how you get on. I’ve not been sleeping or eating since the letter and just want to focus on something else. Been so hard on the family but at least there will be an answer one way or another tomoz. Try to get some rest and let me know. Thinking about you xxx no xx

Meant to say jo not no!!!

Hey Kate
Just got out. Similar to you they were brilliant and it turns out it was the original photo that showed something but had digital imaging and ultrasound and there was nothing there! Thanks for all yr support and kind words this last few days. You have made it bearable. I have another mammo in a year because of my family history so can relax for a while. You take care and hopefully keep in contact.
Love jo

Brilliant news ladies! Thank you so much for coming back to let us know! Xx