Recent Diagnosed


I’m new to this. I was diagnosed with stage 3 BC on the 25/1, and one lymph node

I was told yesterday that my bone scan and CT scan is all clear and its isolated, however the MRI showed signs of DCIS, I have had a further US and biopsy’s taken. feeling a mental numb at the moment as I got the bomb of a possible mastectomy.

I have a strong support network around me but felt the need to talk to like minded souls. My chemo should be starting next week or the week after I will find out Thursday. I’m under Guys and what an amazing hospital that is.

I have a dilemma I need advice to help me make a decision. I had a holiday booked for over a year to travel to Cape Verde at the end of March the oncologist has left the decision with me if to go or not.

I will have had, probably two rounds of chemo before I travel. I will inform the travel insurance.

Question should I still go and thoughts? 


Deb x

Debc71 , sorry you find yourself on here, but glad you’ve reached out if you can ring the number on here and speak to a nurse you can make an informed decision from there :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: Shi xx

Hi Deb

Sorry you find yourself in this situation and with such a dilemma. As someone with Stage 4 cancer now, I am definitely biased but to me it’s a no-brainer. Health and life or a long-awaited holiday?  Much depends on the length of your holiday. Two weeks is manageable if you feel fit and healthy but you’ll probably be feeling pretty rubbish from the 2 chemos. I’m surprised at your oncologist not explaining that, once the chemo chain is broken, it cant be mended so you’d have to be back in time for the next treatment. Of course, you may be having it every three weeks and only be on holiday for two - that’s another matter. But I was like a zombie for most of the time after EC treatments. There is no way I could have gone on holiday.

Hopefully someone will reply and be a bit more encouraging but, as I said, for me, it’s not even something I’d consider. Sorry xx

Hi I am having my holiday on the 10th of March my op is 29th . I also had a choice and feel I will be in a better frame of mind after my holiday & have been assured it will make no difference. Xx
I realise everyones situation is unique and you will be able to make your decision based on your Medical advice.

Good luck with your treatment x


I have made the decision to go, I have had the green light form my oncologist and CNS nurse, I would of only hade one chemo session before I go, with over a week recovery. I’m just advised to be careful of infection.

I’m covered by insurance and Tui. What is also a relief.

This will probably the last time I fly this year because of the situation so thought best to go why I’m at my healthiest.

Hope your all ok. x