Good evening
I had delayed DIEP flap reconstruction one week ago including removal of expander implant that was placed inside the breast skin during my mastectomy in November '24.
I am struggling to manage the pain and how much I should move around. I am standing up straight and I’ve managed to get up most days and walk around, sit, get dressed and even had a shower but it comes at price of pain.
How much do you push through the pain? How gentle have other people been? Anyone else recovering from DIEP I would love to hear your experience.
Thank you
Thos iss a great question and i could have written it myself. Ive just got into bed in tears, the whole process of toilet, brushing teeth and trying to get pillows in best position wore me out and caused pain. I’m only 5 days past my op. I have 9 incisions…2 on each boob, 3 from the drains. The belly button one, the tummy.
My pain is in my thigh (???) and in my central, upper abdomen. The breasts feel ok. My tummy is so tight and swollen, that i feel like ill pop. Walking bent hurts my back and walking straight hurts my tummy. My physio said aim for 4x 150m walks post op and increase. Right now I’m struggling to get to the bathroom.
Hope we both ease up soon xxx.