Hi I had quadrantectomy and sentinel node biopsy at end of march I have developed increasing discomfort from my axilla to elbow there is no visible cord but it is v tender to touch and feels v tight
the area is about an inch across the whole way down the inner aspect of my arm and today my forearm is now tender I am doing lots of stretching exercises and although sore I def feel the benefit from them ,just wondering if anyone had any specific exercises or treatments they could recommend will be back at hosp for results next wk and will mention then .thanks for any advice caz xx
Hi caz d,
I have exactly the same problem as you, except I can see the cords. I had Mx and ANC 11th March, was doing ok when I had my follow-up, but developed the cording after two weeks and lost a lot of my range of movement. I found the Haven exercises to be the best (lymphoedema DVD, which they will send you free of charge if you email) as they are fairly gentle and the lady explains why you are doing each of them. I have made an appointment to see a Pilates teacher next Friday, and am hoping she will be able to help. Will post if anything seems to work well.
Hi Caz,
i had my mastectomy last August and after two weeks developed severe cording I had a series of physiotherapy sessions which were brilliant. She gently stretched the arm and you ccould actually here the cords “popping”. Not really painful but more i uncomfortable. I now have pretty much full movement in that arm. Hope you get the offer of some treatment,
Thanks Margaret and mateface for you replies I will check up on the Haven DVD and hopefully get some improvement xx cancan