Recently diagnosed 8/1/23

Found a lump in mid October and went to GP. I wasn’t to worried as had my 1st mammogram the previous year(50) and was all ok. Dr red flagged it but had to wait 6 weeks due to backlog. Got biopsy 3 days before Xmas as they said it looked suspicious due to calcification. Got results 8th January 2.4cm grade 2 but could be 3 DCI er+. Was told I’ll have lumpectomy in hopefully 4 weeks and remove centennial lymph nodes. They said I’ll need radiation but don’t think chemotherapy but can’t tell yet. Everything seems to be not sure yet. I’ve been great all week thinking ok at least they can do something. Fast forward as from yesterday feeling really anxious and head is in a spin xxx think coming off HRT has me emualso. Sorry for such a long message


Hi. Sorry to hear your diagnosis. I had mine on Dec 18th. Very similar. 2.8cm IDC grade 2, no lymph nodes, er+. Im having my lumpectomy on 23rd and then the wait for results before radiotherapy. Hoping results are good and I avoid chemo. It is a very scary time but I am just taking each step one at a time. Keep busy and plan treats for each stage. I’ve bought new hospital pjs and underwear and put all my letters and leafllets into a folder. I’ve told family and friends now and asked them to keep me busy. It really helps. Good luck with it all.

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Hi, thank you so much for replying. yes you’re very similar to me. It’s good to hear someone with similar diagnosis ( don’t mean that badly) I’m going to take this on board the little treats for each stage. I think I also need to start keeping my self busy. My sister wants me to go to cinema tonight and I didn’t feel like it but I’m now going to go. I think I’ll fell better when I get a date for op. Going to take this one stage at a time. Good luck with your op and will be thinking about you xxx


So sorry to hear you have had to join the club that no-one want to join! But here we all are! I too had an early BC following a mammo-but mine was an elective mammo as I was 76! I too was taking HRT (over 30 years) and had to come off it, and the Mirena coil for the progesterone) so had the menopause cold turkey! You will have to come off the HRT, as you will be prescribed anti-hormone meds, especially if it is PR+ and ER+, but if it’s not then probably not, but you won’t know that until after the lumpectomy etc. Good luck and let us know how things go.

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Definitely good to keep busy and to do ‘things’ with friends and family. There’s such a lot of waiting at every stage in this journey, I found too much thinking time didn’t help.
Enjoy the cinema :grinning:

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Hi @pollyanna1, I hope you’re doing ok today. Our nursing team is here if you ever need to speak to someone who understands. You can even post messages to them directly on this board.

Sending our warmest wishes

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Thank you Bernard

@pollyanna1 You have come to the right place as the wonderful people in here will support you every step of the way. I was diagnosed early December but needed more biopsy’s as it turned out to be 2 lumps in the same breast, both IDC. I have had so many meltdowns on this site and received so much support and I know you will get the same. My advice is what has been given to me in my darkest moments. Keep busy, give yourself little treats, allow yourself to cry if needed as it will relieve the pressure, don’t google ….i am booked in for surgery on the 6th February , like you I hope for radiotherapy but won’t know for sure until after surgery - sending hugs x