Recently diagnosed and feeling so very scared and alone

Thanks Marla you too ? xxx

Glad your op is over and that you are feeling ok.  x

Thanks Daisy and thinking of you for your op on the 29th xxx

Thanks Mai xxx

Hi all,
Just wanted to share some good news with you all…my BC nurse called me first thing to say all nodes removed were clear ???
Seeing my consultant later to start discussion my treatment plan xxx

Daisydi thank you xxx
Thinking of you for your op ??

Hi JD,

I’m really sorry you’re going through it, and I completely understand your feelings. I was diagnosed 2 days after you and I’m due to a mastectomy. Like you I feel alone, even though my family and friends (most of them living on the other side of the ocean) have been very supportive. For me this lonely only shrinks a bit when Im here, ate this forum, talking to people who are having the same problem as me. So use it a lot and don’t feel embarrassed with your syndrome, it happens for many of us. I start shaking when I talk about it and I can feel my heart starts racing when I receive a letter or text from hospital. I’ve been feeling oppressed when I go to there(and I used to work in a hospital. I have no idea how I’m going to do it again).

Try to do something that you really like and try to do as much as you can before going to bed, so you’ll be very tired at night and may have a good night. Sending you hugs and good thoughts. We will be fine, after all the tears we’ll laugh again :wink:

Hi Debbie,
Yes that’s exactly what I’ve told myself…it must have shown up in the operations…having been through 2 in 2 weeks now I’m hoping at least my BP is ok ? xxx

Hi Carol Lina,
Totally agree about this forum…I’m so delighted I found it…it has helped me so much already ?
Good luck with your Op xxx

Did you get your treatment plan sorted Julie?  One week to go for me now.  Getting that terror feeling again x

Hi Daisy,
I saw my consultant and BC nurses yesterday. I had to have some fluid drained off which explained the feeling of having a tennis ball under my arm ?
I’m classed as ‘borderline’ for chemo so we’ve opted to go down the Oncotype test route and I’ve been advised in the meantime to just ‘heal’ physically and mentally until the test comes back in a couple of weeks.
I should then see the oncologist w/c 17th Dec and at that point we will agree my treatment plan to start in the NY.

Was thinking about you this morning knowing your op is a week today…obviously you know how terrified I was before mine and if I can do it anyone can ??
Happy to answer any questions I can for you in the meantime to try and ease your mind.

Julie xxx

Thank you Marla
Hope you’ve enjoyed/enjoying your time with your Father xxx

No didn’t have a drain but I think having one will be better for you. They told me last night that I may have to have mine drained up to 4 times so need to call them if I feel it filling up again.
Yes…I’m really hoping to avoid Chemo too…??

Well tomorrow is the big day again.  I am so so scared mainly of what they find in my lymph nodes.  How can I be so ill but feel so well.  The future looks very bleak for me at the moment.  Cant think of anything positive.  I hate this so much.  How are you getting on Julie?

Hi Daisy,
Please try and not worry…remember I was beside myself with worry and was saying everything you are right now and my results were all 25 removed were clear ?
It’s good that you also feel well…I was told that’s another positive ??
At least this time tomorrow you will be one step further.
I’m ok but just arrived at the hospital again for my 3rd drain ? and that’s another thing you won’t have to put up with as you are having one fitted.
Will be thinking about you and please keep us posted xxx

Thanks Marla and Julie.  Here we go again xx

I have expained the latest saga in my breast cancer life in the Going Through Treatment section for Nov 18 surgery as it is very complicated.  I am fuming 

Hi Daisy,
Good to hear from you but sorry to read what happened with their mistake?!
I suppose you can’t make any decisions until your get your results back…I’m so pleased they are fast tracking them for you.
Julie xx

I am wishing you all the best on this journey. God is a healer and if you believe He will heal you, He will heal you. You will NOT die, but LIVE to declare the works of the Lord. Amen.

Hi Daisy,
Just wanted to wish you luck for your results today and hope you are ok.
Thinking about you
Julie x