Recently diagnosed and feeling so very scared and alone

I can completely understand how you are feeling right now but sending you positive thoughts x

Sadly results not ready so I will have to wait a bit longer but at least they have removed the sticky dressings so the blisters can breath

It’s the waiting that’s the worst isn’t it ?
Have they said when they think it will be?
Glad you got your dressings changed x

I may get a very basic result on Friday but will get everything next Wednesday.  If my margins aren’t clear I will have to have a mastectomy and axillary clearance.  I have a really bad feeling that mine is much worse than they thought.  I am in total meltdown at the moment

That’s exactly what I was fearing after getting my results from the lumpectomy which was really different from the ultrasound and then the biopsy but somehow we just have to keep positive that eventually we do get some good news ?? Xx

Hi Daysidi, I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. Please, try to think in a positive way, because thinking everything will be bad will make you feel desperate. I know by my own experience that it’s very hard, but don’t allow bad thoughts grow up in your mind. This waiting time is the worst, isn’t it? :frowning:
I wish you all the best, and remember that you’re not alone :wink:

I have had results and although all the cancer is removed one of the margins was not clear by 1mm!  They are insisting on doing the axillary clearance and I have a choice of mastectomy at the same time or one more try at the margin.  It seems such a big issue for me to lose a large breast for a mm.  So I will going for my third surgery soon and think I would like to give the margin one more try.  Maybe Im just delaying the inevitable but think thats what I want.  I have a week to think about it before I sign the consent forms. My surgeon was very reassuring saying that all the cancer had been removed and all this extra stuff is to try and prevent it coming back.  How are you doing Julie?

Hi Daysidi, sorry to hear that but Happy that you have a choice. I think you’re right trying once more if it makes you feel any better. Why are they insisting on axillary clearance if only one margin is not clear? Or the sentinel was not clear too?

I wish you all the best :slight_smile:

Hi Daisydi,
Good to hear from you and so good to hear that you do have a choice.
I’m doing ok thank you. I’ve now had my oncotype results back and my score was a 6 so no chemo needed. I’m seeing my oncologist on the 7th Jan to discuss my radiotherapy plan and the tamoxifen.
My arm is still not great…had my 5th drain this week and I’m still experiencing pain and stiffness but my consultant is saying I’m doing well following the clearance.
Do you know why they are insisting on doing your clearance? I asked that question and was told it was a precaution bordering over treatment and at the time I wasn’t happy with that but now I’m feeling reassured that at least i know the one node that had a trace in has now gone.
Keep in touch Daisy and keep as positive as you can be xx

Hi all, Julie wish I knew why they are insisting on clearance but they are.  My positive node showed macrometasteses so I suppose they need to check the rest to stage the disease.  I had no choice in this but then they should have done it last time so not really suprised.  So pleased no chemo required for you.  I dont seem to qualify for oncotype, dont know why.  Always feel that I am not being told the whole picture but I’ve had a lot of paranoia set in lately just feeling that its worse than I’m being told even though the surgeon reassured me on Wednesday that it was still early stage breast cancer.  Just wish I could wave a magic wand and it would all be over.  Not looking forward to having a bad arm. …

Hi Julie I spoke to my breast care nurse today and told her I had decided on the re reexcision as I couldnt lose my breast for the sake of 1mm.  I am going in on Wednesday to sign the consent forms for this and the axillary clearance and she said surgery would probably be first week of Jan.  I did ask about oncotype and unfortunately the policy at my hospital doesnt offer to anyone with positive nodes.  I will wait until after the clearance and if no more are positive I will pay for it myself as I dont want to go through chemo if it wont be particularly helpful.  So everything  crossed for third time lucky with the margin.  Just want to get all this surgery done with now.  Hope you’re healing well now.  I will have a drain in for 5 days which I am not looking forward to.   This feels like a neverending nightmare …

Date for my next op is 10th January.  I am hoping for third time lucky.  x

Daisy, I wish you all the best. Fingers crossed for you! ??

Can I ask if you felt numbness and pain in your arm and armpit after lymph node biopsy? I’m around ten days after surgery and still feeling so much pain and numb (not on the cut, but on the surrounding area). I don’t know if it’s normal ?

Wish you a good weekend and Merry Christmas. Hope you can “forget” about it for a while and have the fun you deserve after having a so hard time.

Carol xx

Hi Carol Lina, I didnt have pain and numbness from the biopsy because the surgeon removed the sentinel nodes through the incision in my breast as I had a mammoplasty.  When I spoke to my surgeon on Wednesday about the axillary clearance I am having on 10th Jan he told me to expect pain and numbness as they have to cut a nerve to get to all the nodes.  They also said it was very important to do the exercises and if there was any swelling on the arm to get it seen to as quickly as possible.  So I expect what you are feeling is normal.  

Thanks, Daisy. I hope you don’t feel so numb and painful as I am. It’s making me nervous ?

Carol Lina, its normal to have pain and numbness after lymph node surgery, it takes a while to settle down and all the nerves to come back to life and mine is still a little numb nearly 4 years on.

Of course if it’s worrying you speak to your clinic to get checked out but it’s very early days for you and I remember my node incision was far more painful than my lumpectomy one. Xx 

Hi Daisy,
Just wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow.

Julie x

You will be scared as I was…I know how you are feeling…but we have to keep positive ??
This forum keeps me positive hearing how inspirational everyone is and there are so many good news stories ?
I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow x

Hi Daisy,
Great to hear from you ?
Well done you ??
How does your arm feel? X

It sounds like you are doing really well Daisy…well done you xx