Recently diagnosed and sooo many tests!

Hello, I’m Katie and 47. I was diagnosed on 6th Dec. I thought I’d be having surgery in Jan and fully diagnosed by now but they need further biopsies. I’ve already had 4 areas biopsied (2 with ultrasound and 2 with a stereo biopsy) and they now need to repeat 2 areas with another stereo biopsy. I’m scared as it was so painful last time and is still very bruised and painful. I’m frustrated that it’s not moving forward more quickly. They’ve set a surgery date of 19th Feb which feels like ages away. All I know so far is that it’s invasive grade 2 with another 2 areas of calcification that are B3 Atypical. It’s also oestrogen and progesterone positive. The new biopsies will be bigger taking a larger sample. I’ve no idea what my treatment plan will be yet. I have 3 children aged 23, 12 & 10 and a loving husband.

Hi Katie,
First of all, welcome, although of course, you’d rather not been here.
There’s no getting around that the early days of diagnosis are so stressful. Sometimes it takes a while to get the treatment plan sorted out & meanwhile, the mind goes into overdrive with the anxiety of it all.
It will get sorted out, but all the diagnostic information has to be in to get the best treatment plan for you. It would be far worse, if something was missed.
The most important thing is, that it will now be dealt with, although the process of getting there is not something we would wish on anyone.
Loads of support here whenever you need it.
ann x

Thank you Ann x