Recently diagnosed with breast cancer!

I’m 49 and on the 26th of Sept I was recently been dignoised with suspected breast cancer, I have a lump in my lymph node aswell the dr not sure if hormone cancer or my lymph nodes are agrivated by the cancer in my breast awaiting biopsy result on Tuesday 10th soo worried!

Hi Emsx,
Welcome to the forum.
Glad you found us, but sorry you’re joining us.
The early days of diagnosis are the worst, but it does get better. Do go along to the ‘recently diagnosed’ thread, as you will be able to chat to & get support from other ladies where you are now, as well as those of us further down the line. This thread is quieter, as IBC is quite rare.
Whatever our bc diagnosis, we all share common feelings & treatments & tend to go through similar stages over time.
Sending hugs
ann x

Just to add, here’s the link:
ann x

Hope everything went well for you yesterday, thinking of you xx