Recently Diagnosed

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Friday. Huge shock. Pre op tomorrow and op on the 15th. Although I’m well supported by a wonderful family and friends I just wanted to ask: is it normal to feel overwhelmed by all the information that you recieve when diagnosed? 

My dear Pinky Pie,

We have all been there and now we are here for you, please take one day at a time, lots of rest and a nice cup of tea with that very special person. I always found the people who understand the best are the ones who unfortunately have had breast cancer.

It very normal to feel the way you are feeling, not sure if you are on your head or heals at the moment, which is quite understandable. A suggestion I would like to make is to have a note pad and pen near you, make note, asked lots of questions as anxiety takes such a toll on us no one can help with cancer, but they can with emotions.

Take good care, wishing well going forward, please let us know how you are getting on when you feel ready.

biggest hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: