Recently diagnosed

Hi Judi…glad you have had your op and it went well?x
Let your hubby spoil you and take it easy.
Onwards and upwards as you say!
Have a lovely Christmas with your family?xxxxx

So were your lymph nodes clear Matty?
I’m not sure how long I have to wait for results…that’s the worst bit.
I have to wait for a reconstruction until after my Chemo etc,so it maybe a year yet…I’m sorry you’ve been messed around a bit and being told one thing and then another ?
Fingers crossed you get a date soon?xx

Oh okay…sorry,thought you had results already X

Love and hugs to you to Judy?X
I agree,it’s great having you all as new friends and ones that we can share our ups and downs…it’s definately going to be a better and healthier 2015!?
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmasxxxx

Hi ladies…hope you are all okay and not too worn out?..Mattt,I hope you are getting more sleep and Judy how are you feeling?
I’ve had a lovely few days with my daughter and spent a lovely Christmas Day with my best friend and her family,being spoilt ?..apart from being worn out and a little sore(when I forgot all about my wound!)…it was pretty good.
I did constantly worry though about drinking alcohol though,was any of you feeling the same?Ive always been pretty healthy and of course being told you have BC,you don’t ever think it’s gonna happen to you,but especially when you’ve been pretty healthy and never smoked etc…So now more than ever,I’m even more aware of what I’m eating and drinking…but hasn’t stopped me from having a few glasses of wine and chocolate !?Got to enjoy ourselves !X

…a quick question,I’ve been given 2 weeks off sick from work,so that will take me up to next Thurs/Friday to go back,but don’t know if I’ll be ready to go back yet…it’s hard being away from work too long…what have you ladies done?X

Hi Judi…sorry you felt sad today?’s just comes in waves doesn’t it?One minute your fine and the next you can just burst into years…X
Bet you can’t wait to get your results…me too,don’t know when I get mine,going to ring up Monday.Be good to get on with the treatment.
Hope you enjoy your shopping and get some bargains!Just take plenty of coffee breaks,as it’s tiring.Its good to get out though.
Love Rachel X

That should say tears not years lol!

Oh the waves … Emotions hit me like I haven’t experienced before - double masectomy booked for 12 jan and have just collected my son from a local pub and noticed for the first time a ‘no cycling’ sign - Actually felt like crying!!! Madness !!! - over a sign!!! Hang in there ladies 2015 is OUR year!

Yes Jets…the slightest thing sets me off!
Judi…baking Tray…what a romantic man you have…lol!I used to me married to a young Yorkshire Man in the 80s…he was exactly the same,but I loved him?X
2015 def going to be a good year for us ladies…lots of love ?xxx

Hi Balli Boo…nice to hear from you?..I’m still waiting for my results from the Masectomy/SNB so will know hopefully when my Chemo starts.How long did you have to wait?X

It will be fine Judi…have my fingers/toes crossed for you?..let us know how it goes.
Rachel X

Awww Cheryl…I know how you feel and it’s hard not to worry,but it won’t spread and it will be completely fine…X
When is your op?
That’s what we are here for,good and bad daysxxxx

Have you rang your Breast nurse?
I rang mine this morning,as desperate to know results ,but may have to wait until 19th Jan,because of Christmas/New Year etc,hate waiting!X

The day before my birthday!Ill be thinking of you? it a lumpectomy or Masectomy ?you don’t have to say if it’s private,just wondering.
Was good of your boss to call round…hope they brought you flowers or choccies!Id be the same,especially if I didn’t know they were coming!?
My boss actually rang me today and asked how I was…which was nice,he said take as long as I need off,and I said I want to get back as soon as I can as need to get back to normal stuff again.
Thanks for the positive vibes…?xxx

…positive vibes coming your way too?xxx

Thankyou Jets?xxx

Your not a droopy drawers!Whatever op your having is still a lot to go through no matter what…I am grade 3(well since my last biopsy),but was given the choice of Chemo to shrink it a bit,then lumpectomy ,or could have a Masectomy first…so that’s what I chose.Im sorry about your stroke that’s affected your right side,that must be hard to deal with that too ?xxx

Thinking of you today Judi xx

Our thoughts and love are with you today Judi?X