Recently diagnosed

I was diagnosed yesterday with Grade 2 invasive Ductal cancer i have an appointment with the surgeon next week and hopefully surgery on the 23rd December i would really like to talk to someone who has gone through this type i am so scared at the moment and keep breaking down in tears.

First of all DO NOT GOOGLE there is far too much stupid stuff out there. Stick to this site, and other reputable cancer organisations.

Second, of course you are scared, your body has let you down without warning in a dramatic way. Let your tears flow, and gradually your brain will kick in again as you get more information about your treatment plan. You will have a designated McMillan nurse who will go over anything and everything until you understand what is going to happen - keep asking questions until everything is straight in your mind. I took notes at every appt so I could read it all at home, then rang the nurse for a chat when I was confused.

This is not an easy process and scrambles your brain, but as everyone here can tell you, it IS do-able, and there is so much support here. Don’t forget that we all deal with this differently, and no-one can tell us the right way to do it.

Finally, I was diagnosed March 2010, and I’m nearly at the end of treatment, feeling fit and fine and thanking the NHS every day. Yes there have been tears and grim days, but I’m still here even with a bit of my boobs missing, and its absolutely fine!!!

Big hugs


Hi Ollis. I can empathise completely. I had a Grade 2 invasive ductal mixed carcinoma removed at the end of August. Your tears at the moment are entirely understandable. I was the same until I knew what I was facing and believe me it does get better, ‘normal’ life does resume. The help on here is wonderful, we all share one thing, the diagnosis. Hopefully after your appointment next week you will be able to put things into perspective. My advice would be write down any questions that you have. Ive kept a notebook and am still adding to it ready for my next appointment in January. Happy to share my experience with you.

Hi Ollis…I feel for you and was recently diagnosed with Grade3 invasive Ductal last Thursday and am just about getting over the shock and trying to deal with it as positive as I can,even though some days I just want to sit and cry?..but it’s my beautiful daughter,family and friends that keep me strong? will find the strength too and once you know what’s going on and treatment dates etc,you can deal with it better.
I have my 2nd app tommorow,so have a long list of questions for the consultant and nurse.I really hope I can get my op done before Christmas,as I just want it done.
I agree with Grumpy,googling is the worst thing you can do,as it just makes you worry more-I stick to this great site and trust in my Consultant.
Take care and let us know how your treatment goes.
Rachel X

Wemblo a notebook or diary is a great idea,that’s what I’ll do?..
Rachel X

Hi, this is my first post as also coming to terms with a diagnosis of grade 3 invasive Ductal and I keep breaking down in tears too. I have read a lot of the other posts and I don’t think we are unusual, we are just very scared. I met my surgeon on Tuesday and they can’t give me a date as I have bruised badly, the Breast nurse was nicer but it’s so unreal. Perhaps as we are at the same stage we can keep in touch and support each other? In the meantime I am going to let the tears come and accept whatever help I can…take care and big virtual hugs

Hi Guys how are you all feeling?
This site is wonderful and so nice to have other ladies to share things with,as we all in the same boat,just different stages.
Chez and Ollis,you are probably at the same stage as me?
I had my pre op checks this morning,as I’ve been told I’m having Masectomy /lymph nodes op next Thursday,so it’s happening fast.It was one if the hardest desisions I’ve had to make .
Keep in touch ladies and keep positive as best you can.
Hugs XX

Hi everyone my head is a mush today for want of a better word im going to see the surgeon at 2pm and then hopefully surgery will go ahead on the 23rd Dec i just want to get it over and done with now time seems to go so slow and i seem to be having more down days than up at the moment sorry to moan folks hows my two buddies who are at the same stage luv Judi o

Hi Guys…managed to get chance to get back on here and catch up with my pals?.How are you both?Glad you managed to get out and have some fun on your Christmas party Chez(sorry I don’t know your name?)…we deserve treats and make the most when you can get them?..I had mine Saturday,it was good but I got very tired,but that’s prob due to my age and not the BC!
Have finally got my hospital dates,tommorow having dye injected into my lymph nodes,ready for Masectomy Thursday morning (18th),so can’t believe how quick it’s coming.Its scary,but at least I’m being well looked after and it’s being done swiftly?
So your op is 23rd Dec Judi?Xxx

I get very anxious too Judy…I’m naturally a worrier anyway,so it’s totally understandable to be feeling like this X

Hi keepmumsane? nice to read your doing well and feeling positive…am happy for you that you had a successful op.I have mine Thursday ,then the same as you,Chemo,possible rads then fingers crossed a reconstruction ?.
I’m having my lymph nodes done at the same time,did you?
It’s so comforting having you girls to talk tooXxx

Hi. I too had grade 2 ductal invasive.

My surgery was on 12/11/2014. 


Had wire guided WLE along with SNB to check nodes.

Op went very well but unfortunately a very tiny amount found in sentinal node.

Also I had an allergy to the blue dye.chances of tha happening were very low.

I was in the right place so they were able to give me antihistamine.


Agree with others re looking on Google. You need to know exactly what you are looking for as too many variables.

I was petrified of it all. 

You have lots of different emotions.I found I was ok if in company and as soon as I was on my own I would burst into tears. Cried myself to sleep many a night. You do feel better once you know your treatment.


The wire is really quite thin and procedure almost without any pain.Just the prick of the needle.

Anaesthetic stings a little as it goes in. 

Really nothing to be scared of.


re the op to remove my tumour it lasted under an hour.

The team were brilliant. There will be some scars obviously but surgeons are amazing. 

Its like they have been drawn on with a biro - that thin.

I am really pleased.


Unfortunately for me I have to go through chemo on my journey so star Jan 2nd.

If your nodes are clear then you should be ok.

I was told just radiotheraphy if nodes were clear.


Hope all goes well on 23rd.


I really found comfort and lots of info on this site. 


Hi Balliboo,sorry you had a bad experience with the dye and they found a little amount in your nodes,but now your lumpectomy is done,then Chemo in Jan,soon get rid of any stray buggers and soon be back too good health?X
Hey Cheryl…Thankyou so much for your good wishes lovely…sorry yours has been changed dates,but just try to enjoy Christmas and before you know it,it will be the 5th and get it all sorted.
I’ll catch up later as off for my dye injection in a few hours,take care for now ladies?Xxxx

Hi Balli-boo?
Think I got mixed up with what I was having done today…I have radioactive liquid injected in today and have the dye before the op tommorow like you did…they said I may look a but Smurfy!
Sounds like you have same sort of treatment plan as me,once they get results from tommorow,then will start Chemo.
The good thing is we have each other to support and chat to,as we are all truly going through it together.
I’ll catch up in a few days,early night tonight?Xxxx

Hey guys…Thankyou for your good wishes?X
I’m all done and they are sending me home this afternoon!Ive been well looked after and my surgeon has done a fantastic job…not quite sure how I’m feeling at the moment,but happy the op has been done and can move onto the next stage?Xxxx

Thankyou lovely ladies for your good wishes??X
Can’t believe I’m home really,thought I’d be in for at least two nights,but my surgeon said the drain could come out and I could go home,was glad really as don’t sleep well away from home and was drained.
My 14 year old daughter is pleased to have me home and is looking after me? very tired and a bit sore,but so glad to have this part of my journey done.
Yours will be fine Judi,just rest lots xx
Thankyou for caring…I’ll keep you posted on my progress?X hugs

Awwwww Thankyou Sandie?x
How are you feeling?
I’m going to try my best at relaxing,but not good at it!
I’m getting plenty of gentle hugs…the best bit?..
Rachel X

Thanks Balli boo? hard resting as I’m used to being busy,but my sister is up for a few days to look after me,so she is telling me off if I try doing anything!
Am coping well,more than I thought I would,but guess it’s early days…hardly had any pain relief at all.
Goodluck Judy for Tuesday…you will be absolutley fine Xx

Hi guys?
Thankyou for your kind words…I’m being pretty good and resting as much as I can,but is hard with Christmas preparations!
Hope everything goes well Judy…our thoughts are with you X
Thankyou Chez…I’m trying to be good!
Mattt,how many lymph nodes did they remove?I had two taken out whilst they did my Masectomy,that’s where it’s mainly sore under my arm…hope I don’t have to wait too long for results.Will they decide on the 2nd what you will have done?Xx

Going to see local nurse tom morning to get wound checked X