Recently diagnosed

Hi I’m 47 with husband and 2 girls aged 11 and 13. It’s now just over a week since I was diagnosed with Grade 2 invasive ductal breast cancer. After finding a small lump near my sternum, my mammogram was clear and ultrasound result U3 did not show anything onerous, the lump was removed under general for further testing, so it came as a shock to be diagnosed with invasive cancer, I’m fit and healthy run regularly but I know now that this does not necessarliy make a difference but I hope will help me get me through what’s to come. Next steps are MRI to check my chest wall [I’m worried about what this may show], further ultrasounds and another operation in 2 weeks to remove margin (not done at first op) and a sential node biospy. Its a lot to take in and the waiting is tough, but after the next op a full treatment plan will be put in place and then I know what I have to deal with. Suzy

Hi Suzy5u

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  As well as the support to be found on here you might also find it helpful to call our Helpline for information and support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Suzy


I just wanted to offer some support.  I am also 47 and was diagnosed last July with the same as you.  I had to have a mastectomy with node clearance followed by chemotheraphy and then radiotheraphy.  I finally had my last radiotheraphy session today :).  Once you have had your tests you wil be given a plan and then things will become much easier to deal with.  It is the not knowing which is the hardest part.  The thing I have learnt is you have to take it a small step at a time and try not to be impatient.


I too didn’t think I was at risk as was  fit and ran most days, never smoked and had none of the other risk factors but it can happen to anyone.


There is light at the end of the tunnel, I never thought I would get to this point but now today has come.  


It is all doable and I gained strength and support from this forum from others who had gone through it also.  You are not alone.


Take care







I was diagnosed last week - what a bummer. I am now waiting with trepidation on the outcome of ct body scan and bone scan. I am keeping my fingers crossed they do NOT find it has spread anywhere else. I am 74 and quite fit and shall be giving up golf for sometime but I aim to get back to it. Keep positive.

Hi Catchpole

You raise an interesting point about resenting people who have a bad lifestyle but din’t get BC but you and others do. Your feelings are very understandable and part of all the mixed emotions I think we all feel when diagnosed. Having worked in the NHS, I get angry at seeing people who are heavy smokers, for example, being treated for ling conditions and they just carry on smoking. However, where do you draw the line? BC doesn’t discriminate unfortunately, mine is a genetic flaw, but the experience and reading the posts on the forum, has changed my view on things quite a bit. I’m 62 by the way, so no spring chicken! Having a bit of a thoughtful day I think, lol. Makes a change from some of the other feelings I’be had over the last few weeks!!